Are you staying at home or going on vaccation?
I am back at my folks, and enjoying the mountains. Doing some ice fishing, cross contry skiing, and hitting the slopes with my telemark skies. Man, I havent used them since 1997.
The wather is not the best, and the forecast is not promissing... But with good clothes there is no problem.
Waiting for the easter rabbit to visit lol.
I'll probably be working Good Friday until I pass out, but I ought to be off Easter :-). My plan is eat, code, game, and try to avoid family miseries. I spent the last big holiday draped over a computer, and will probably do so again.
But I would rather bead it out of here for a few weeks, lol.
Hmmm, Working, Like I Do...
Good Friday and Easter (only consession, Easter is an Early Day)...
Then maybe some Good Food, and Relax
(cause, Im Off Work Monday..)
I'm so so so pleased to report that as of Thursday afternoon (3pm GMT) i will be off work for 10 whole days...... ha ha ha
feet up, beer open and maybe...just maybe a bit of DIY around the house... (i said maybe!!)

I'm doing homeworks
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
I will do nothing.. just relaxing...
Commanding Officer
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
lol, you lucky son of a gun Carter
Not sure at this moment, May stay home and do nothin or could even end up at the river
and get my line stretched.
getting wasted and partying the red light district hrhr
Back from one week caravan trip !
And now relaxing until tuesday
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
Join the Dark side! We have cookies!
Meeting family and friends, enjoying now finally the sun after months of grey-in-grey.
See you around, guys, and Happy Easter to you
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
none of your business...
Well im currently living 200 miles from home and only go back ever 2 weeks, so im gonna be working all weekend
Semper Fidelis
I just got back from a 10 day skiing trip with my family.
Like Medic thougt, weather has not been good. But who cares? As long as there is snow under them skis.