Brace yourselves, for I have just laid my hands on a copy of a once
"best in the World" and still "awesome" Game
Lotus Turbo Challenge 2 (<--Link to a YouTube video)
For those of you who were born before the 90's you might still remember this game published in 1991 or sth on a console called "Amiga".
How have I gotten it, you ask?
Funny story, actually.
I was at a pretty Girl's place and supposed to be interested in whatever she had to say, when I heard the games Intro from a door-shut-room.
I was getting all nervous and stuff, since it reminded me of something, but I couldn't yet figure out what it was.
So I went to that paticular door and she told me it was the room of her
-and I quote-
"Lame brother."
And he had real Amiga console in his room, he was sitting in front, playing this game and I saw the Intro-Video and knew which Game it was.
I think I don't have to mention in which room I spent (most of) the evening, since my business with her was... (there are children reading this message) short-natured.:D
For you: Check out the Link embedded at the beginning of this message. The first 5 second are more than enough to initiate the so-called Light-bulb-effect
Love n Peace - Katana (Vote please)
Venom is the King
Oh yeah, I remember this one, and earlyer a game called Test Drive.
If I got my hands on them, I could once again spend hrs on them.
I remember, a friend got a amiga and we played that s couple of times.
In the earlier years it was a awesome game with the possibilities of the hardware.
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
I never heard of this game but from the Music I say your choice to hang out with your Betty was the better of the two
Noli Mi Tangere!!! Don't Tread On Me!!!
this game was awesome... I used to play A LOT of Amiga Games.... The Persian Gulf Inferno , Test Drive , Lotus Challenge , Moonstone ( awesome ! ) , megalomania , wings of fury and so on
Ahh...memories....those good days; Sinclair, C64, Amiga and when I still got my washing done.
test drive... now that one does ring a bell
MOONSTONE ..... that was the best.... omg i had totally forgotten!!! You walked the map searching out druids and wild boars lol
What about supercars and Monkey Island?????
I had the Amiga 600... slightly smaller than the 500.
I still have the ORIGINAL Box with game and Manual and stuff
Sweet childhood I say.
Nothing better there is than memories...
Venom is the King
I tested it, but I prefered Test Drive 2 which I played uncountable hours -->
Watching the clip, hey, it was like yesterday
Yes, The Persian Gulf Inferno was rocking at that time -->
Not to forget "Hostages" - kind of a SWAT in Stone Age or the awesome strategy game Battle Isle 2 -->
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
I have found the ultimate Amiga games download site.....
all your old Amiga games playable on your PC...
Cannon Fodder!!! CHAOS ENGINE!!!! omg ...i'm 14 again lol
but you have to pay for that site...
I don't have no money, im all-time broke
Venom is the King