The videoes I`ve made on request:
Short promo:
Short promo (with pics from ex-member and members of the clan):
Very nice videos always nice to watch them again hehe!
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
real nice there.
Well Done !
nice vids yes! Some nice ideas. I love the view from above.
Its the same way they record real life room-clearing exercises with deadly ammunition.
~Excellentia minima est~
No Comment.
Nice Videos there!
Do I Hear Emmy Award?
Impressive, Green One!
This is just what I needed to show a friend what SAS is about compared to the average player. The music is good too.
thx valroe...
I still had this lying around:
very nice vids !
You should make this Thread an Announcment, so it will remain near the top of the Forum Thread
Very very nice.
Some of theme are worth to be used in the recrut training.
Good work
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
Very nice vids.
That theme song from the Unit. Any chance to get that somewhere?
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Good idea Spawn! I support it 100%. It will show public players what we can do and and make them interested in joining us.
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Try googling for "the unit soundtrack"
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