Ladies and Gentlemen,
actually this would go to the "Promotions Board" but I technically shouldn't have access to it hence I will tell you here.
Im sitting here listening to the Doors driving the road in the rain thinking about I can possibly tell you the best way that I am taking a little longer while off duty. I applied on August 2nd, entered the Selecion Course, had Training and learned a heckload of things. On November 17th I had been honourably discharged of duty in the Mighty [SAS] 22nd EVR.
Now, here I am, Chris/Caern which ever you want to see, telling you "I'll be back in no time!"
There are some issues in real life that have to be solved in a professional manner such as school and we all know, what happens outside the computer comes first.
Don't be afraid, I won't stay away completely from the forums and servers. From time to time there will be time for some tangos to take care of, even for me.
With the words of Easybazzr: "Have a good one there!"
- He who fears death cannot enjoy life -
Caern, buddy... You are absolutely correct. Real life always comes first. You don't get payed in SAS with money, so it will not bring you food on the table.
Howver a good education will. So go kick arse at school....
SAS will be here.... good luck and stay in touch
Sad to hear but I fully agree: School comes first. I had fun playing with you Caern and I hope you will show up time to time to kick some tango's ass . Good luck in school it's very important cause it's your future.
Looking forward to fight by your side again m8!
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Looking forward to a Quick Return, but not too quick...We all believe in a good Education around here.
Hey there Caern
You take all the time you need to get through school issues and RL stuff. The SAS will still be here when you com back. And I want you to sent in a new application when the time is right for you M8. You are made of the right stuff. SAS material deff. I hade some long and good games with you M8.
Get you Rl together and report back at the drafting office ASAP
Good luck, Caern
Come back when things are sorted and you have time...
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
good luck with School Caern!
Join the Dark side! We have cookies!
Hey Caern, get ur ducks in a row and come back - SAS will always be there, so take ur time mate
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
Life first, life second, games third.
Hope to see you later, cheers
When you come back to the SAS Caern, you`re gonna have to show us your report card. If its not good enough, then no more SAS for you
>.> well Valroe, it should better be good!
Thanks guys for all the wishes and aprobations!
It has really been a great time and im looking forward to coming back to the SC most pronto.
I want to add for the new Recruits that I want to see you guys kick arse and train hard, even harder than hard, since hell itself knocked on your door and is chasing your butt.
Same goes for their Seargants, Corporals and Lance Corporals give 'em hell
Farewell and see you soon,
(P.S.: Admins, when do you think you could change my name and rights back to pre-selection coursian times?)
- He who fears death cannot enjoy life -