Hey guys seeing as how my flatmates are downloading and lagging my game too much I have decided to introduce myself to SAS. Man even this page took 5 mins to load up.
I'm a Scottish guitarist living in Edinburgh, studying for a degree in music. I'm 22 (now, 2008) and can be quiet at times as I was brought up in a remote area in the highlands. If I ever dont speak it ain't cos I'm shy its cos I'm quietly confident gnyehe! I also work in a health food shop at the moment and am a freelance private guitar teacher. I've been to RAF Kinloss for pilot training, and .22 calibre rifle club but other than that I have no military experience.
I used to play CS source, and BF2. I'd still play BF2 it but my CD is damaged. It actually cracked because of me putting it back in its' case so much to keep it safe :O irony. I still play on a private server of the RPG Ragnarok Online which I bet no ones heard of! It's got dated graphics but imo has a lot of depth of thought by the game makers.
Before you accuse me of drinking whiskey because im Scottish, you may be interested to hear that my Dad is English, and on my mothers' side I have a little native American blood.
....but yeah despite that I still have a bottle of Famous Grouse in my hand right now....
Slow is smooth, smooth is fast
There is 2 types of Grouse I like: Famous Grouse Pure Malt and fresh chest from grouse fried with cream sauce, hehe
Welcome to our servers and forums. Mak sure to stay regular on the server and forum. Read our tactics.
SAS is ALWAYS watching.
If you have xfire, post that adres in the xfire name thread.
Have fun
Scias, I am glad you finally decided to post an introduction in the forums....
It is fine to be quiet, your actions speak volumes\ I'll see ya in the servers for some more ggs.... 
Welcome to our forums.
Howdy there Scias! Good to see ya in here postin a bit, Have had some fine games with ya and lookin forward to some more also.
Glad to see your Own Thread Scias, this will give you an Idea of just how many SAS Members actually Notice things like this and players as yourself...
Stay active, Chin Up, and keep the Whiskey Glass turned Up bro...
ps...medic, theres a matter of 5 points you owe me, see me later for collection...hehe
Welcome to the forums Scias! We had some GGs and I hope we will have other ones.
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
5 points? hmmmm, I cant remember anything about any points :roll: :roll:

Hi there Scias.
Join the Dark side! We have cookies!
One cannot be "accused" for enjoying a mature single malt, no ice thank you.
I think scottish whiskys should be guaranteed under UNs Civil Rights.
Greetings & Welcome to the forums
Hello, Scias...
...and WELCOME to the forums!
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
Hey Scias!
Nice to see you on here
See you around.
Hi scias,
ggs, see u on the server
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
Welcome to the forums, good to see you finally made it here.
Gone but not forgotten.
Well Laddie !
Good to see you on the servers.
Welcome to the Forums ! Now get a nice brew on and cook up some taddies.
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
good to see u. always nice playing with u.
Sniper..its Tatties.....
I used to play it as well. It has been a while though. The 2D look works pretty well for what it's modelled after imo. Then again, there's RO2 in beta... And monks rock
And hey
I don't like the look of the 2nd RO thats the one with completely 3d graphics yeah? I just love the classic look of RO1. The server I play on is called Lightside Legend RO, in case you ever start playing it again.
Hello everyone who's said hi so far and thx for replying.
Slow is smooth, smooth is fast
Hello Scias
Welcome to the Forums - i remeber we have a lot of good games on the [SAS]PG1. Later m8.
Do you have xfire Scias?
Hi I thought I'd take this opportunity to thank SAS for inviting me to the team today. I will be as active as possible and am glad to be part of the team.
My xfire is UncleRob199
Slow is smooth, smooth is fast
There is a topic in clan topics to let your xfire
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Already posted it. But thanks Nick!
And thanks for your help today
Slow is smooth, smooth is fast
No problem m8!
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment