Hey folks.
I'm Bjoern a.k.a Komapatient a.k.a the guy that plays with a female character. I am a 23 years old mailman from germany.
In my spare time I enjoy riding my Motorcycle and just try to enjoy life.
I used to play Counterstrike in my younger gaming days. I played OFP aswell.
I'm also an active member and trainer in the Vietcong COOP team GFT.
Played a lot of Ravenshield with breaks. Now that I know about your server I actually ending up playing on the SAS's servers only!
If there are anymore open questions , feel free to ask.
Hey Komapatient
Welcome to the SAS site. Good playing with you. Will see you on the server.
Hello, and welcome.
Read the tactics, stay active on forums and server.... SAS is watching.
And yes I do remember you from the server, hehe
Good games with ya Koma and Welcome to the board.
Hi there, and welcome to the forums.
Hey K, always nice, pleasure to play with.
See you around.
Hi Koma,
welcome to the forums, c u on the SAS server.
Greetings to the members of GFT.
(formerly known as SAS_LCpl_Hunter)
thanks guys!
Just started digging through this lovley Page
your You-Tube link is broken.
Hey there, good to see you here aswell
Though I doubt we'll meet elsewhere.
Gone but not forgotten.
Koma, Great Games Buddy...Tell me more about this Vietcong Co-Op?
Enjoy meeting our Public players that appreciate Good Tactical Co-Op....
Vietcong is a pretty old game that takes place in the Vietnam war. It was famous for it's great thick jungle maps.
You can play it online in Co-Op mode too. Either on the standard maps or on one of the hundreds of user created maps.
We are NO clan..that means the only responsabillity u have are the 3 euros for the servers per month and beeing friendly , showing respect and be SOBER when joining a game.
and Machinegunner.)
Before we start a round one will take the Leaders position (giving orders) and he'll pick everbodys position in the team (sniper , medic , ammo carrier
Then he's the one giving orders and guiding his team through the map.
Our MAIN goal is to manage a map without losing one single man.
sometimes we're up to 12 ppl and to manage everyones activitys is quite a challange but it's great fun when everything works just fine and we suceed
Join the Dark side! We have cookies!
A successful Mission is one where No Casualitys have occurred...real nice Koma...
Great Co-Op mentality.
Hey Koma, welcome to the forums and enjoy your stay.
Welcome on the forums koma! We had some GGs on PG1!
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
It's not mentality, simple words alone making a good player.
Their deeds count much more and he has surely proven worthy ...
Gone but not forgotten.
Well HASE, it starts with the Mentality to have situation awareness to play Co-Op, just ruinning around in a group does not make it a Team, does not make it Co-Op....
It starts with the Mentality to be in the situation and become a Member of a working Team...
Maybe youll learn the meaning of it too someday
Btw coop doesnt mean to succeed at all but to do it as team, not just some lone wolven spawn doing the same over and over again dictating his "team" how they have to do it :roll:
Wont forget whom I speak with, dw.
Luckily more then enough real coop-minded players can be found here, just like Komapatient.
Leave it alone now Spawn.
Gone but not forgotten.
It is deeds Hase, but remember the mind controls the body.
Your coming around the corner, then following it into a hallway - what do you
think / do?
Average player: lean around the corner, shoot anything that moves, run down
the hallway or duck-waddle down it.
[SAS] player: slice the pie around the corner, check its threat potentional,
calculate the safeest avenue of approuch for the team, report threats to team
as necessary, move around the corner and help get the team through the area
with a minimal of risk to the group, should they come under fire. - No lines
of retreat, advance, escape; b/p to deal with doors opening, b/p to deal with
shooters sliding 'round the far and rear corners, keep the team safe at all
At least, that's what the road to becoming [SAS]_Trp_Spidey01 did for my mentality
Spidey, you make me somewhat glad letting me see this
This is what I got told aswell, practice and told and always will tell those willing to know, as advice and to get in touch with this sas feeling.
Also good you determine between an average (trained( player and a SAS player, not an average skilled one and a SAS member like others do.
Just a minor point but adding to yours: You just dont have to care only for your team's security but your own aswell
Deeds do count, live deeds.
Unfortunately RavenShield AI limits many aspects in this like trying to surround and screw up your team, assists etc. but this attidute shows: No matter if you face a bunch of armed wheat bags or smart tangos, it depends only on you as individual and team.
Shooting everything that moves not duck-waddling around like you are, always trying to pose with your stats doesnt generate this sas feeling, so I for myself wont do it.
Look to the servers, so many out there, both uniformed or PUG players seem to have forgotten this, at least it seemed so when I was able to be present in your servers.
Well, time to get us all some slices, cakes are on me tonight
Gone but not forgotten.
Hi Komapatient
Welcome! - Your armpatch looks nice. (iam german too)
Cya soon on [SAS]PG1.
Thanks , I know you're german
I have a nose for them. I can smell em from a mile ago