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Last seen: 14 years 7 months ago

A soldier from the 82nd Airborne was attending some college courses between assignments. He had completed missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. One of the courses had a professor who was an avowed atheist and a member of the ACLU.

One day the professor shocked the class when he came in he looked to the ceiling and flatly stated, 'God, if you are real, then I want you to knock me off this platform. I'll give you exactly 15 minutes.' The lecture room fell silent. You could hear a pin drop.

Ten minutes went by and the professor proclaimed, 'Here I am God. I'm still waiting.' It got down to the last couple of minutes when the paratrooper got out of his chair, went up to the professor, and cold-cocked him, knocking him off the platform. The professor was out cold.

The paratrooper went back to his seat and sat there, silently. The other students were shocked, stunned, and sat there looking on in silence. The professor eventually came to, noticeably shaken, looked at theC2paratrooper and asked, 'What the hell is the matter with you? Why did you do that?' The paratrooper calmly replied, 'God was too busy today protecting American soldiers who are protecting your right to say stupid s*** and act like a jack***. So, He sent me.'


Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago

HAHA! Nice one!

22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment

Last seen: 14 years 7 months ago



Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago

Had a good laugh... Lol

Nice one...

DUKE, Germany

"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"

Last seen: 5 years 2 weeks ago


Last seen: 11 years 9 months ago

I like that one for sure!!!! Lol

Last seen: 12 years 9 months ago

It Was Gods' Will...hehe


Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago

'Sent by god' to punch people in the face? Now that sounds truly Christian...

Echo (Christopher)

Last seen: 14 years 7 months ago

dont sound like you read it echo. try read it again, if you still cant see it, reply and i will cut if out for you!


Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago

Actually I am perfectly capable of reading and understanding what you have posted. It is a common "story" and I have seen it many times and, fortunately, isn't true.

Firstly, I find it rather egotistical for the soldier to think that he is god's personal bodyguard and that he was somehow singled out as special and personally "sent" to do this.

Secondly, It seems like punching a person in the face so hard that it knocks them unconscious is acting more like a jack*** than what the professor did. My sense of Christianity is that you love and accept people no matter what they say or do to you. Maybe the soldier just hasn't read that part yet.

I assume that you are a Christian and would probably feel insulted if someone punched you in the face for believing in god. Try to show the same respect to those who might not share your beliefs.

Echo (Christopher)

Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago

Echo, this was neither meant as offence in any way - nore as a demonstration of Christian behaviour.

Btw - how authentic was that teacher?

Anyway - it is a story, nothing which really happened, nothing more than a joke - some persons can laugh about it, some not.

Move on Exclaim

DUKE, Germany

"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"

Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago

I have no doubt that it was meant as a joke. However, there is a tremendous double standard when it comes to things like this. When a Christian posts something like this, he expects the atheists to laugh and shrug it off as just something funny. If I posted something similar, but instead the Christian gets punched in the face, I would be accused of a hate crime, being unpatriotic, being a terrible person, being a bigot, etc. Believe me, it's happened before. So I DO take offence to it and it is not very funny.

Echo (Christopher)

Last seen: 5 years 2 weeks ago

I have tonote that it's not Christian behavior to deck someone, but -- I find the joke funny, that a man would ask for something absurd, and a paratrooper on hand would fill in the gap.

What happened, I would by experience define a part of life; GOD often works through people, but sending someone to put out a few lights isn't what I mean by that.

A person would be liable to assault charges for striking a man in such a situation --- period. If it really happened, it would have been splashed across every news-net in the country.

If you find the post offensive, I would suggest an e-mail to random at sasclan dot org, because all I can see is a sense of humour and mild propaganda.

Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago

I would never post something here or on any other forum that was demeaning to Christians or any other religious group. Unfortunately, those who are religious often do not feel the need to show those of us who aren't the same courtesy. It reflects very badly on you and, quite frankly, is extremely hypocritical. Atheists are NOT evil monsters that deserve to be punched in the face. We are regular people who would like to be treated with some modicum of respect.

Echo (Christopher)

Last seen: 12 years 9 months ago

Just a little side note*
I see nothing Christian about Dogma's joke except what you have proposed Echo...
Nothing of Religion or any Religion is mentioned in the joke..as it is , A Joke.
I did'nt take it as anything other then a Joke and thought it was amusing, I can see how it might be offensive to another..and would think that if it was offensive they would simply ignore it as nothing more then the joke it was meant to be...Sorry.


Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago

The denomination is irrelevant. It would be the same if the soldier were Muslim, Hindu, Bhuddist, etc. The implication is Christian, but, again, it doesn't matter. People keep driving in the idea that this is just a joke and that nothing was meant to be offensive. I understand that it's a joke and that Dogma meant no injustice by posting it. The point is that nobody minds if the atheist gets punched in the face, but the opposite would likely spark outrage, if not here than most definitely somewhere else. I am simply pointing out the terrible double standard. This post is offensive to atheists, but the religious think that we are terrible people, devil worshipers, baby eaters or something like that and that our feelings don't really matter. We are, on the other hand, REQUIRED to respect their beliefs without question and treat anything that they find sacred as such.

Echo (Christopher)

Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago

The denomination is irrelevant. It would be the same if the soldier were Muslim, Hindu, Bhuddist, etc. The implication is Christian, but, again, it doesn't matter. People keep driving in the idea that this is just a joke and that nothing was meant to be offensive. I understand that it's a joke and that Dogma meant no injustice by posting it.

I have read the discussion thorughly, and decided that I will not mod any of the statements given so far.

A joke has been presented, and the points raised by Echo are fair and related to the case. I can't see that either Echo or anyone else go for the player -- all go for the ball.

The point is that nobody minds if the atheist gets punched in the face, but the opposite would likely spark outrage, if not here than most definitely somewhere else. I am simply pointing out the terrible double standard. This post is offensive to atheists, but the religious think that we are terrible people, devil worshipers, baby eaters or something like that and that our feelings don't really matter. We are, on the other hand, REQUIRED to respect their beliefs without question and treat anything that they find sacred as such.

This discussion reminds me of the so-called Muhammed-drawings published in a Danish newspaper, that certain religious groups found offensive. Disagreements should be solved by a dialogue and debate -- not with slander, violence and inflammatory language or behaviour.

I can disagree over many issues and opinions -- but I have to respect the issuer's right to utter the disagreeing opinion.


Last seen: 14 years 8 months ago

good call Rouge..

Echo -> leave it! (thats an order ;O))

Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago

This discussion reminds me of the so-called Muhammed-drawings published in a Danish newspaper, that certain religious groups found offensive. Disagreements should be solved by a dialogue and debate -- not with slander, violence and inflammatory language or behaviour.

The major difference here is that I don't feel the need to blow anybody up as a result.

I can disagree over many issues and opinions -- but I have to respect the issuer's right to utter the disagreeing opinion.


Echo (Christopher)

Last seen: 14 years 7 months ago

im a atheists and i posted it. big deal. if you cant take a joke dont read it main!!..



Last seen: 14 years 9 months ago

Historical facts and research proves that God chooses USA as his ally in every war Biggrin

Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago

im a atheists and i posted it. big deal. if you cant take a joke dont read it main!!..

It would be prudent to just not post these kinds of things in the future.

Echo (Christopher)

Last seen: 14 years 7 months ago

wtf? dude i can find something in all posts on this forum and talk bs about it!

You dont fu*kin tell me what kinda joke i can post and what not!

im not evan gonna take this fight with you!

let me know next time you wanna jihad my post so i dont have deal with that kinda sh*t!!


Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago

Just to bring it to a point - from the other side of the pond:

How dumb is it to try to convince a whole school-class with such a statement with the intension - according to his own disbelieve - to make an example, that the own disbelieve is right Question

It is not about right or wrong, really not, everybody can think and believe what he wants - but there is really no need to make a mountain out of a molehill.

If this joke, story or whatever didn't make me laugh like the others, then I would surely feel bloody offended now by such dumb statements of a disbeliever...

If you play with fire you get burnt Twisted

DUKE, Germany

"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"

Last seen: 5 years 2 weeks ago

language please Dogma

Last seen: 14 years 9 months ago
im a atheists and i posted it. big deal. if you cant take a joke dont read it main!!..

It would be prudent to just not post these kinds of things in the future.

He can post as much of these posts as he want to Echo. Now stop whining about something so trivial.

And Dogma, please keep the argument refined.

Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago

He can post as much of these posts as he want to Echo. Now stop whining about something so trivial.

Perhaps to you it is trivial. For me it is a matter of principle. And, apparently, our definitions of whining are vastly different...

wtf? dude i can find something in all posts on this forum and talk bs about it!

You dont fu*kin tell me what kinda joke i can post and what not!

im not evan gonna take this fight with you!

let me know next time you wanna jihad my post so i dont have deal with that kinda sh*t!!

See what I mean?

Echo (Christopher)

Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago

WOW! I can't believe this is still going on!!!!

This is just a joke!!!!!

22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment

Last seen: 5 years 2 weeks ago

The subject matter does not violate the requirements for acceptable content, aside from the profanity which you will see was edited with my own moderator colours. I feel that everyone has had their laugh, their say and complaints, and this thread has little remaining value -- I would rather dislike having to lock it to maintain order and civility among non SAS members.

Both Duke and Rouge have made mature posts as [SAS] Members, trying to guide this thread back into proper territory -- if anyone has a personal issue, it's better suited to a set of PM/IM/E-Mail between Echo & Dogma, not a shout in the [SAS] forums by Echo & Dogma, as this thread appears to be prepping for the spiral into.

Echo, if you have a complaint about such postings as the OP being permitted, I would suggest you contact the Commanding Officer, Lt. Colonel Random with a copy of it. If I was him, you'd get little more then an ear. If you have a problem specifically with dogmas post, contact dogma directly and discuss it. Our forum is not exactly a place for you two to address your "differences of opinion" with free license to cuss and hollar it up at will; if you wish a moderated venue, arrange one with a willing officer.

People who know my verbose side, know I do not lock threads often; when they can be kept on topic, but I will lock this one if it degenerates any further.

Last seen: 11 years 9 months ago

In the last year in CR I learned that you should never ever discuss either politics or religion/beliefs in public. All it ends up with is misunderstanding and confusion.

- He who fears death cannot enjoy life -

Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago

In the last year in CR I learned that you should never ever discuss either politics or religion/beliefs in public. All it ends up with is misunderstanding and confusion.

To a certain extent I would say that is true. Certainly bringing up these subjects at your grandmother's dinner party for her church probably wouldn't be such a good idea. However, if no one ever discusses these issues in a civil manner, there is no way to really know what the other side of the debate is all about. No discussion often leads to jumping to conclusions and misunderstandings on both sides.

By the way, this is the last post I will make on this topic. At this point I think we are just beating the proverbial dead horse.

Echo (Christopher)
