If anyone registered on this page has decent/good knownledge on making animated gif`s, please contact me asap or write your interest here in this topic.
Your contribution will be deployed in an uttermost important project to SAS, and you will be reckognized with credits. Virtual credits. Virtual abstract credits. Oral credits from me to you. lol. No you will be reckognized and much appreciated for your work.
I would be very thankful for any help!
Note that nothing more advanced is needed.
Im not much into flash myself, but would be helpful to know which programmes are available to use.
Some links for you, pretty widespread.
worth a look, Open Source!
So much from me, maybe it helps
What about presenting this content in a presentation, made with Powerpoint f. ex.
Its also included in OpenOffice or MS Office and can deliver easy made animations.
Gone but not forgotten.
If this is for what I think it is, flash would be out of the question.
I rarely have need to work with animated GIFs, so I don't know of many programs (check Hases links). if you have a copy, I would use Adobe Photoshop or The GIMP, because you would already have the necessary software for it. Other wise, get something that is designed for easy animated gif creation, imho, unless of course, you're a graphics nut to start with lol -- then a simple tool isn't necessary.
In the case of GIMP, there are several tutorials quickly found on google: including Simple Animations (animated gif output).
And photoshops help system should have extensive information, considering how much the thing costs lol.
In either program it should be fairly simple.
I could easily animate the red and blue circles like in the example, in Flash CS3. Making an animated GIF in Photoshop would take much longer (for me at least).
If this is for what I think it is... I don't know if embedding Flash Player in PDFs is very common yet.
try cool3d by Ulead
You can close your eyes for things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart for things you don't want to feel
Leon stepped up to the plate. Made it in flash, converted it to Gif. Easier than we both thought hehe.
Thanks buddy!
I take it as the topic is taken care of, isnt it?
If not, I'd do these animations in Photoshop.
But it seems i was too late... :roll:
- He who fears death cannot enjoy life -
Yeah it went very good. In Flash's Publish Settings one can export the animation as "animated GIF". Just perfect.
Caern... I think I saved you alot of time then if you were thinking about using Photoshop . That would be 1 layer per frame (for a smooth animation)... and then imagine a 30 frame per second animation.
What software do you use there Leon?
Yeah Leon, thats actually my Problem atm!
How did you get that .gif so very smooth?
I actually used ImageReady. It's a little bit easier to move around the objects, but what programm did you use, i second Medic!!! I wanna have that one, too
- He who fears death cannot enjoy life -
I used Adobe Flash CS3.
To make the animation smooth I just set the framerate to around 30fps when creating a new project. Well, Flash is made for animating graphics. You got a layers palette with a timeline where you can add keyframes etc etc. Photoshop is not really made for making animations.