<|ARU|> SWAT4 TSS Tournament 2008

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Last seen: 16 years 4 months ago
<|ARU|> SWAT4 TSS Tournament 2008

are holding probably their last SWAT4 TSS Tournament and would like to invite you to take part!

Starting on Saturday the 18th of October you will need to sign-up your teams of 3/4 members (3 to be deployed for each map, plus 1 substitute if you choose too, substitutes are optional) by going to the forum page at http://www.aru-clan.co.uk with the number of members in your team and the team name by the 16th of October at the latest!

The tournament will last 3 weeks and consists of 5 randomly generated maps from easy, medium and hard groups.
2 maps to be played per week until the 3rd week when the 5th and final map will be played, the team with the highest score from all 5 maps wins!


1. Any clan competing can host their own maps. But each match will have a referee from another clan present, joining the game at deployment of the team after the map has started and the team are still at the spawn point! The referee will check the teams kit from spectator and witness the final score.

2. Any team turning up for their map with less than 3 members to play with automatically fails that map!

3. No more than 1 less lethal weapon per team, this does not include pepper spray or cobra/tazer guns.

4. No spectating by dead team members, the penalty could be disqualification from the tournament!

5. At the start of each week, the maps will be generated by me by picking the names from a container holding that weeks group (easy, meidum, hard) which can be witnessed by anyone with MSN on my webcam!
The map will then be announced 8 minutes before the round starts by the referee.
The referee will then leave and rejoin after the map has started, as stated above, this is so the end score is not affected by number of players in-game.

You can deploy as many teams as you like and any assitance with refereeing would be gratefully accepted, more information at the forum.


Last seen: 16 years 1 month ago

Seems like a nice competition, just not sure if it matches with SAS style.
We will discuss this matter and soon you will have the answer
thanks for posting ir here, coudnt talk while playing

[SAS] SeMp3r .:. SemperFy * Great Mind Think Alike *

Last seen: 16 years 4 months ago

yeah ive seen how you play, not your style i know but thought i'd ask anyway

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago

Still, it makes me wish we had a SWAT 4 Sabre Squad online, oh man.... To have seen [SAS] Sabre Squad in SWAT 3 action, would have been wonderful...

Last seen: 16 years 1 month ago

up to, Spidey?

[SAS] SeMp3r .:. SemperFy * Great Mind Think Alike *