Edit: While on the topic of restrictions, I'd like to make an appeal for gas masks to be brought back, as lately I have noticed people using gas stupidly even with no gas masks available. Can somebody please approve or reject this request, thanks.
I have to Agree With Ixian On the Gas Problem ive had the Occational Teamkill or Hostage kill Because theres been Bots around and my Vision is to Blared to make a Deffonate target.
That was me on both counts. Most crappy players use an AK variant. Not to say that using the AK means you are a crappy player. But if you are a crappy player, you probably favor the AK is all that I'm saying.
I also restricted the gas mask because people were using too much gas. Without a mask, people are surprisingly much more careful with gas placement.
I'm prepared to take my lashes now. Or you coul just deny me website access. No wait, Spidey has already done that
That was me on both counts. Most crappy players use an AK variant. Not to say that using the AK means you are a crappy player. But if you are a crappy player, you probably favor the AK is all that I'm saying.
I also restricted the gas mask because people were using too much gas. Without a mask, people are surprisingly much more careful with gas placement.
I'm prepared to take my lashes now. Or you coul just deny me website access. No wait, Spidey has already done that
I cant agree with you on that statment "Crappy players will choose for an AK variant". The recoil you get from that weapon is alot. Imo a crappy player would choose faster for an M4 or something, but thats just what I'm thinking
Personally I find that crappier players favour the L85A1, especially with a suppressor; its the typical choice for a random tango hunter pug.
Also with the gas mask, the only reason I requested it back is because people on a level of unbelievable stupidity were carelessly throwing gas even with the mask restricted
If you in real life (RL) have to defend your self agains armed enemys. Would you use a gun that kicks harder then a angry karate kid and as acurate as a drunk fortune teller?
Or would you use a persice stable rifle?
If you choose the last option, you know your stuff
Ixian217 has just pointed out why the L85, G36K, and AUG are so popular.
In the adversarial circle (~2k4-2k5), the FAMAS and TMP have there reasons for being the queen of guns (AR) and the *self censored* of SMG whenever you find one.
Operators of the SAS should know how to deal with unexpected areas with gas deployed. SAS_Spidey had a training session a while ago, subject HAZMAT.
As you cannot grab your mask and put it on as in RL, you will have to train to move in gassed areas, to become better trained than the tangos...
I remember having had some nice moments as NCO on the server, throwing gas at the trainees, in order to make them "comfortable" with that situation as well.
Is good to be able to function in gas, but its bloody annoying when a random pug throws gas which hinders you but NOT the enemy...now THAT is annoying!
This is fixed.
Thankyou for bringing it to my attention!
This issue will be dealt with internally.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Ok cheers for sortin it Wiz
Edit: While on the topic of restrictions, I'd like to make an appeal for gas masks to be brought back, as lately I have noticed people using gas stupidly even with no gas masks available. Can somebody please approve or reject this request, thanks.
I have to Agree With Ixian On the Gas Problem ive had the Occational Teamkill or Hostage kill Because theres been Bots around and my Vision is to Blared to make a Deffonate target.
If you would bring the Gas mask back, more people will use gas in an abusive way.
Masks shold not be restricted.
Ooops...sorry i mustve missed that one.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
That was me on both counts. Most crappy players use an AK variant. Not to say that using the AK means you are a crappy player. But if you are a crappy player, you probably favor the AK is all that I'm saying.
I also restricted the gas mask because people were using too much gas. Without a mask, people are surprisingly much more careful with gas placement.
I'm prepared to take my lashes now. Or you coul just deny me website access. No wait, Spidey has already done that
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Yes with out the gas mask you will Think before you throw it for sure.
I cant agree with you on that statment "Crappy players will choose for an AK variant". The recoil you get from that weapon is alot. Imo a crappy player would choose faster for an M4 or something, but thats just what I'm thinking
Whipped Spidey
Personally I find that crappier players favour the L85A1, especially with a suppressor; its the typical choice for a random tango hunter pug.
Also with the gas mask, the only reason I requested it back is because people on a level of unbelievable stupidity were carelessly throwing gas even with the mask restricted
That's what I use the most...
Echo (Christopher)
Perhaps you should try to use another gun then
The suppressed L85A1 is easy to use...too easy, hence why its so popular, especially with the less than skilled tango hunters.
Its very simple.
If you in real life (RL) have to defend your self agains armed enemys. Would you use a gun that kicks harder then a angry karate kid and as acurate as a drunk fortune teller?
Or would you use a persice stable rifle?
If you choose the last option, you know your stuff

Ixian217 has just pointed out why the L85, G36K, and AUG are so popular.
In the adversarial circle (~2k4-2k5), the FAMAS and TMP have there reasons for being the queen of guns (AR) and the *self censored* of SMG whenever you find one.
On the other hand...
Operators of the SAS should know how to deal with unexpected areas with gas deployed. SAS_Spidey had a training session a while ago, subject HAZMAT.
As you cannot grab your mask and put it on as in RL, you will have to train to move in gassed areas, to become better trained than the tangos...
I remember having had some nice moments as NCO on the server, throwing gas at the trainees, in order to make them "comfortable" with that situation as well.
Is good to be able to function in gas, but its bloody annoying when a random pug throws gas which hinders you but NOT the enemy...now THAT is annoying!
Yes it can be purty tough on ya when you are gased and a terro down the hall is not, You are dead.
Haha, I guess I wasn't the only one that enjoyed gas house drills Rouge
It is a good skillset for [SAS] Members to be able to work in gas cleanly, but it is also an offense on the server to throw gas at players.
.Reinstall RVS (Bloody thing broke =/)
.Update RVS
.Get Spidey on SAS Server
.Throw Gas At Spidey
With the way I work in CS Gas in RvS, if this was real life I could probably shower in the stuff by now... :alien