I don't know if this is the right place to introduce myself, but I saw some other Hi topics.
My real name is Tjen De Clerck. I'm from Kortrijk, Belgium. I'm 17 right now. I like to ride my scooter (a Honda MTX) and I like to play videogames. My ingame name is ZeeDevil. Rouge tolded me to register, so here I am. I would also like to send an application to join SAS clan, but I don't know where I should do that. If this count as application to join the SAS clan, then I would like to say I'm a pretty good teamplayer. Have been in several clan's in several games. Some SAS members have seen me playing. Most people think I'm 18+ because I can be very mature.
Hope to see you ingame.
Edit: Added a picture of myself with my gf.
Sorry if the image is to big, if it is to big, you can pm me or you can delete it yourself.
Welcome to the forums and see you on the servers!
Echo (Christopher)
Welcome to the forums..:)
It's a good idea to read Training + Tactics, and About us.
You can send a application, and see more info in "How to Join".
Btw, what game do you play?
Commanding Officer
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Thank you for showing me, and thank you for the welcome.
I play Ravenshield. Tryed the SWAT 4 demo, but I wasn't good at it so I decided to delete it and not buy the full game.
Edit: I'll send in an application from 23rd of august, because from the 18th till the 22nd of august I won't be able to play due to vacation.
Welcome to the Forums ZeeDevil
and have fun w/ ur Vacation
Hi there and welcome.
I've played with you yes, and you must remember my warning to you
Other then that... stay regular on the servers and in the forum. Play coop, be mature, read server rules and our tactic section and
Have fun......
SAS is always watching
I remeber my warning and I'm sorry for what I did. Learned my lesson. Having fun won't be a problem.
Welcome mate and hope to see you on Swat if your around!
Everyone makes mistakes its showing that you've learnt from them is the most important thing! Speaking from experience 8O
P.s Nice computing there Decapi
If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault] (1844-1924)
Thank you for the welcome's all.
I'm sure I'll enjoy my stay here.
Welcome to ya ZeeDevil.
Howdy Zeedevil,
Nice to see you on the forum, i havent met you ingame yet but i think that wont take long
You can close your eyes for things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart for things you don't want to feel
I hope to see you ingame sometime.
Thank you for the welcomes.
Hello Zee.
Hey Zee!

Nice to see you on here.
Great Games today, made me laugh
See you on the server soon.
Welcome Zee to our forums and site here.
See you on pg1.
Hello Zeedevil
See you at the servers and have an enjoyable time
Swat_Lukas Coop Generation Veteran
Thanks for the very warm welcome.
Sure made fun Jonsi
Hope to see you all ingame sometime.
Hello Zee, and welcome to the forums.
Welcome to the forums zee and I'll see u in the PG1 server.
22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Hi ZeeDevil!
Nice to see you pick up on my advise, and register.
Good games yesterday! You will find other Belgians here...
Very good games.:) Some nice teamwork to.
Hope to find some other Belgians here.:)
Hello and welcome on the forums
[SAS] Veteran Chester 22nd Special Air Service - Elite Virtual Regiment