I find it increasingly inconvenient to sit through the short intro videos when starting a SWAT 4 map. I was told that there was a way to delete them, but I can't seem to find the files. Does anybody know which files I need to delete?
Echo (Christopher)
look for all .ogg files in the soundsfolder
there should be a number of them containig the following ****load_dis.oog
the*** is mostly the mapname
delete or remove these files and you will be able to instandmove upon entering the game
btw if you had googled it you most likely would have found it within 3 minutes!
You can close your eyes for things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart for things you don't want to feel
Also beware, while most people here who have deleted there files, did so after being "shot dead" by the enemy on several Live Ops, before ever completing the spawn sequence with those sound bites.
Abuse the feature rambunctiously like some non members have in the past, and you'll of course receive unwanted attention from the nearest server admin on duty ^_^
Hmm... Reminds me of that Live Op where almost my entire element was gunned down by tangos through the windows before we could even move lol.
I did but didn't come up with anything useful. This seemed like the next best option.
Echo (Christopher)
its ok to ask here Christopher..no prob..
Hmm given the fact that my last line in my former post has been copied so much i think it might have come over like i was a bit annoyed by you asking it chris.
This was not the case, i dont mind you asking at all.
so just to make it perfectly clear: no bad feelings overhere what so ever.
As always Kind and Kinky,
You can close your eyes for things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart for things you don't want to feel
Acutally no. Any combination of SWAT 4 Mission Briefing Intro Video Removal bring up no useful hits. Nothing on Hot Swat Mods forums. The post in here is probably archived by now.,
Trust me, I spent an hour trying to find the information and gave up. And I'm pretty good at Google-fu.
If you are on Windows, just search for "*load_dis.ogg" (no quotes) in your SWAT 4 folder. It'll pick up all the files you need to delete. Personally I'd make a backup of them just in case, but its your choice.
I was able to locate the appropriate files. I just moved them into another folder on my desktop so that I have them just in case I need them again. However, everything seems to be working fine in the game and my teammates no longer have to wait for me to unfreeze at spawn! Thanks for all the help.
Echo (Christopher)
You can close your eyes for things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart for things you don't want to feel
Always wanted to know how to do this i should have asked ;P
If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault] (1844-1924)
The proper place to search would be Sierra's SWAT forums, and a couple of cheat/crack/warez clubs.
Well Ive been running mine without the .ogg files for some time(Prior to me Joining SAS) and haven't had any problems at all. That is of course you want to put them back just to remember why you took them out in the first place
Noli Mi Tangere!!! Don't Tread On Me!!!
I think I'll try taking out all these long an annoying TOC replies.
while you do that, also find a way to kill the anoying alarm in the hotels.
i tryed myself and in singleplayer it works, in onlineplay it wont let me log on to server due to some difference in sertain files.
You can close your eyes for things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart for things you don't want to feel
If you want to do something useful, bind your compliance key to something other then your action button.
Best keybind of them all.