i talked to yoda on aim recently by his request he doesnt wat any 1 to c the exact chat but nvm that.....he is doing very well new job, new gf, finishing his school work hes doing very well. hopefully we will play with him once again soon....who knows only time can tell....
good news!!
Fri, 18/07/2008 - 15:27
good news!!
Yay!!! Yoda found a Girlfriend...but, is it the Pizza Girl or a new one???
If its not the Pizza girl, tell him I still want that Number!!!
"Godo godo!" Lazko and his typoes image size exceeded -- click to view
Gone but not forgotten.
Why does this joke remind me of Marko Polo?
Seriously, some occasional player starts sharing his/her life trough another persons on this forum is not at all relevant.
And the difference is HASE, that I'm actually a member of this clan.
He makes a point, some people know Yoda some people don't. Fact is this is a SAS server, I don't think that everyones life makes for a reason to post.
Off topic, but what is this marco polo thing about? I've never known what its about, just heard of it :?
the name was just picked randomly
sure you are an honored and beloved member of the EVR, but also a community member too, even more important, just like this guy I never got to know
but ray, big and timbo know him, big was interested in this news, so this isnt nonsense at all, its just chitchat
ix, the thing ist about saying marco or polo in this order

filter said marco, rasa polo, so me in my turn says marco again and so on and so on
anyone called a spammer?
Gone but not forgotten.
Mainly I think that this conversation has reached a pointless stage now, Ray told us how he was doing, the people who were interested have commented, and a few other people too, now its just become a game of Marco Polo.
I agree with Filterhappy, which is why we have moderators that are more then ready to lock the thread if it becomes necessary, but I trust that it won't be hehe.
Marco Polo is an old swimming tag game. Basically one person is blind and 'pings' other players by shouting "Marco" and uses the "Polo" shouted in reply to try and locate and tag the others lol.
PS I never said I could spell in any language ^_^
LOL! Man.... This is so funny how a update on my life became an argument to some people jeeze. Anyways like FBI_Segt said, I'm doing great! I have one more year to go to get my bachelors in science, and I have to get ready to look for a freakin job dammit!
I would like to say "hi" to my buddies here at SAS Big12(no Big12 she isn't pizza girl lol), Duke, Spidey, Shootgunsuzzie88th(Lake), Chester, Weasel, Ranger(where the heck are you man!) JB, Fury, Semp3r, Jonsi and Yuke. And of course I wouldn't leave out the friends of SAS FBI(NYPD ESU & SODA TIME!), filterhappy(damn padawan, did you get those nachos I sent ya?), Henn, Nitrix and Dallers.
well Yoda, it's bout time u sign up on the Forums
and, since its not Pizza Girl, you know what you have to do m8
Glad to see your doing good, and Best of Luck w/ the Bachelors in Science
If you have yahoo I.M. hit me up at
I would like to keep in touch w/ ya bro
!!!Peace Love and Chicken Grease!!!
Yoda on the road to a Bachelors of Science, now I know anything is possible
lol its funny like yoda said a big arguement our of nothing but he asked me to post it and timbo u know who yoda is come on !
rasa doesnt
[quote="filterhappy"]Mainly I think that this conversation has reached a pointless stage now, Ray told us how he was doing, the people who were interested have commented, and a few other people too, now its just become a game of Marco Polo.
yes lol but still its pretty funny btw filter nce picture too bad i dont have photoshop so i can make 1 like that now lets start an arguement about photoshop lol
haha, you can't photoshop videos though! thats why I take those when I ride too
lol u got thise pictures from the internet