i iam reply for reason to server.. (sorry italian post)

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Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago
i iam reply for reason to server.. (sorry italian post)

my nick is to playing to raven shield is.. topos.. clan |fika|
( topos|fika|.ita )

i a tips italian post, i a difficulty tips english.. so sorry.

Italian --

ciao a tutti, (hi all)
sono stato bene nei mesi scorsi a giocare sul vostro server, ma con dispiacere noto che ci sono delle cose che non vanno propio bene, forse perche' ho difficolta' a scrivere in inglese durante il gioco,
mi scuso se sono stato un po sgizzato come metodo di gioco, ma molte volte facendo i blitz si puo' completare con successo una missione su raven shield comunque quanti errori si possono fare.. e' non si possono fare, comunque la cosa che mi ha veramente dispiaciuto di questo server e che ce troppa potenza sul admin, cioe non vedete ora di kikkare o bannare qualcuno se fa determinati sbagli.. se e teamwork cercate di far capire bene cosa si deve fare o meno..
e poi approfittarsi e anche credersi "o sono piu forte e sono il capo quindi devi stare sotto lo skiaffo mio" e questo non e bello,
poi ci sono strane regole, esempio non distruggere i barili, perche' ce rischio di teamkill.. sai quanti teamkill possono capitare. tornando all problema della regola del barile.. ma se sparo un terrorista che sta in linea di tiro vicino al barile e normale che prendo il terrorista e il barile esplode... la prima volta be non lo sapevo che c'era questa regola di non sparare i barili.. ma la seconda volta e stato accidentale perche' come ho scritto sopra e stato perche il terrorista era in linea di fuoco, e poi la mappa e anche di notte come fai a non centrare il barile. dopo un po e vengo kikkato..
poi vengo kikkato anche se mi metto fermo in un punto a coprire ( avevo un fucile di precisione)... cioe certevolte non so come muovermi in questo server e spesso noto che entra quello che vi pare e piace a voi..
cmq sono rimasto davvero dispiaciuto..
x ora non ho nulla da dire x il ban, tanto non finisce il mondo.. ma dispiace.di non entrare 1 oretta nel vostro server a divertirsi a sgominare i terroristi, o salvare ostaggi..
e poi non mi prendete in giro perche io lo conosco bene questo gioco, e i bug del admin non esistono, siate meno spiritosi nel vostro dominio del server. e so assoslutamente che e vostro il server.
spero riusciate a tradurre questo topic,
un saluto, e spero che cambierete modo di agire e di fare e siate un po meno razziali o credersi chissa cosa, e non applicarsi troppo.. tanto e un gioco raven shield non e un lavoro.. e un semplice divertimento..

aggiungo, mi dispiace se non so parlare e scrivere all 100% 100 in inglese, english se no' ci si poteva chiarire tranquillamente,
spero riusciate a tradurre e a leggere questo messaggio e non cestinarlo o non replicare una risposta,
perche allora vorra dire che non siete molto responsabili,

buon proseguimento

bye all

Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago

Does anyone here speak both Italian and English?

Last seen: 15 years 1 month ago

I cant totally translate it, but the main parts are:

1. He is sorry, but he often doesnt understand the things that was/are said in English.
2. He has his own ways to clear a map that is also right.
3. The admin has to much power
4. Its not the end of the world that he is banned, but we should think about our behaviour:
-we should be less racistic
-we should see this as fun not a job
- bla bla bla

what we have heard so many times from people that got banned and now have no problem with that but spend the whole day or week with telling us the way of life Wink

Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago

mmm yes i a banned for server,
spidey plz use site for traslate this link to my post
--> http://it.babelfish.yahoo.com/ not convert 100%100, and probabily errors..

ps: your traslate not complety correct, and probabily flame or error and to understand.
this post not as for a war or a flame situation. this post is a to clear what you have on me, because I have noticed that by now I was aimed from not spectator you and l' now to throw to me outside. they have been many errors during a game, and propio mine you were watching

this is, for this time Smile i a waiting reply for you..

ps: "medic" (player member for clan) is a very funny for kick for me and banned. and vented a lot, thus, almneo is not believed the problems that they plague in the life Smile

however I do not have interest to enter in your serveur, but and be pretty to play from you, but there are too many incomprehensions, and difficult to communicare for who it does not speak and it writes well English

anyway thanks "timbo" for traslate this point for my post,

good morning to all and bye all Dirol

Last seen: 15 years 1 month ago

You have played with us for some time. You have been warned for several things, like killing, or almost killing team members by shooting those red barrels.

You have been warned for using foul language, for not taking instructions from SAS.

Therefore you have been warned, kicked and banned!

I do not think its fun to either warn, kick or ban people. But its nessecary to do so to police our server.

I have fun when players follow the rules and are coop minded.

Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago

You have played with us for some time. You have been warned for several things, like killing, or almost killing team members by shooting those red barrels.

You have been warned for using foul language, for not taking instructions from SAS.

Therefore you have been warned, kicked and banned!

I do not think its fun to either warn, kick or ban people. But its nessecary to do so to police our server.

I have fun when players follow the rules and are coop minded.

1) i a sniper rifle using at private aeroport night. first time ok sorry i fired barrel for killing terrorist, i dont known fired barrel, (i not teamkill)for fired barrel.. second time a linefire terrorist, and fired causality barrel, (not killing player in that moment ) i a kicket.. 8O

2) excuse of the language, then I have stopped to say ugly words after that you have perceived to me

3) ???? this reply I have not understood, excuse medic Sad re post this point?

4) be nobody perceived where it had to be gone and what to have to make (your using teamspeack) and therefore I did not know what to make, I followed the other players but since I felt the steps of the terrorists who approached themselves or the terrorists were coming from our shoulders I rush in order to kill themselves terrorist, ce be a moment that have been near medic, in order to cover it from eventual terrorist, because it was firm (afk) then is died for via of the lag Biggrin

in any case I make excuses myself for my errors from " rush" (many missions have been completed also Co nil my aid however) Smile

ps: I hope that this post does not give annoyance or does not upset, pear tree me was right to clear the situation:) and then I am writing from civil customer, Smile

cya guys Wink

Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago

Topos, You must read the Rules , If you cant read them or understand them then you cant make up your own, We follow them and so will everyone else. This is not your run & gun server, When we set up elements and you do not listen then you are in for a rough time, We gave you many chances and all your cohorts dont have a problems then why should you, Very simple Follow the SAS Rules.

Last seen: 11 years 8 months ago

Ez, Medic & Timbo are right, if you can't follow the rules, there is nothing we can do.

[SAS] Veteran Chester 22nd Special Air Service - Elite Virtual Regiment

Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago

Well said Ezbass !!!


Bablefish has to be the worst translation software I've ever seen in my life.

Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago

Well said Ezbass !!!


Bablefish has to be the worst translation software I've ever seen in my life.

thx all for responce.

be ok it was only in order to clear, I have made errors I know and it, but all make of the errors aldila' of how many I have made some, pear tree you cheat them and be an incident:) (this you cheat them and to make the nightmare hihiihh)
"spidey" . I find myself enough well with this translator, without of this I could not minimally responce. and of view!
in any case I do not know it when durability the ban, but it does not interest to me, because playing from you not and also possible because I do not speak English and this and a large disadvantage if it must works like teamwork. in any case to entered this in your forum for greeting

good evening to all
and peace e love

Last seen: 11 years 9 months ago

Offtopic, but as I saw this goodbye-lines at the end:

I am still searching for this nearly 20 years old Trance-song "PEACE, LOVE & EXTACY"...

Back in this time that song was "hard" stuff... Dirol

DUKE, Germany

"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"

Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago

Smile be and it makes it appeal to me that I have remembered you this song, (at least I hope that you mean this more) than other this written (peace and love) me you very inspire at the moments hippy of years 60 Smile lol

Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago

I find myself enough well with this translator

Davvero? Io non penso.

Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago


Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago
I find myself enough well with this translator

Davvero? Io non penso.

your translate is correct Smile
very impressive speak text italian

haze not ago null if the grammar and not corrected, enough that something is understood, better at least to understand something that not to understand nothing Smile

Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago


It amuses me greatly that this image is named grammer.gif and not grammar.gif. I probably need to get out more.