how do u post with a quote ? i know u press quote but how do u use it ?
press the quote button and it will begin a reply with a quote of that post already setup for you.
You can also manually quote text by placing it within quote tags, e.g. each tag starts with an [ and ends with an ].
start quote tag is
end quote tag is
[ quote=SAS_Spidey01 ]
text to quote
[ /quote ]
I've included spaces around the [] brackets to stop it from working, don't use spaces between taga nd brackets.
press the quote button and it will begin a reply with a quote of that post already setup for you.
You can also manually quote text by placing it within quote tags, e.g. each tag starts with an [ and ends with an ].
start quote tag is
end quote tag is
[ quote=SAS_Spidey01 ]
text to quote
[ /quote ]
I've included spaces around the [] brackets to stop it from working, don't use spaces between taga nd brackets.