As the members know from my post in members forum.... my new rig hates me.
Well, now it runs smooth.... but Rvs lags quite a bit. I have AMD Phenom 9500 processor, quadcore.
I was wondering if the multiple core was the problem. Ther is a fix in downloads section, but it sais that it supports single and dual core.
Any idea if I can use this?????? I installed the dualcore center for my motherboard (MSI), but that was not a good idea, hehehe. Bluescreen on every startup was the result.
Also sometimes when playing Conflict denied Ops... I get a bluescreen or the game and computer freezes...
Blame Jarle
Rasa, big TY!!!!!!
Setting the affinity helped, NO lags sp fare.
Don't be surprised if your 8xxx series nvidia gives unexpected crashes on the mountain highway and that other winter map.
Why would nvidia hate winter maps?
I know....and I fell at home on those wintermaps.
Ugh... Quad-Core. 4 hungry cores fighting and arguing about the incoming information streams. "-Hey that byte is mine dude!"
As of today, I prefer Dual-Core, because I don't think alot of programs support Quad-Core yet. But for extreme multi-tasking, Quad-Core would be nice.
I would rather chose 3Ghz Dual-Core ... than 2.2Ghz Quad-Core.
Yeah I am with Leon on that one. They still recommend a good Dual of a Quad for gaming any day.

Most of the time, the only, plus you get from Quad Core is when you have numerous large programs open, but thats about it.
Bring on my rig
Well after downloading a new driver for the graphicscard, and sadly have to set the affinity every time i run rvs it runs smooth. Much better then on my old rig.
Denied ops also runs great with the new driver.
I'm gonna install Indesign, Illustrator and photoshop next week. Often use them at the same time, it makes my old computer slow.
For reference, this is the driver Medic's talking about:
Is there no RDTSC fix for >2 core systems? I've heard xp sp3 integrated the ms hotfix though.
If you don't want to look into that and want to set the affinity, you can use launchers (ie runfirst iirc) or executable modifiers (ie imagecfg iirc). The latter may cause problems with things that check the exe directly, but does allow for easy integration with the rest of the system (ie with xfire). FYI the last time punkbuster did not worry about the rvs exe though.
Should those examples be wrong, there are probably many others (or better ones) by a web search.
The dual core fix from Microsoft didn't seem to do a whole lot for me, I'm still setting affinity manually.
The MS patch doesnt do much.
What you need to do is visit the website of your CPU vendor.
In Medics case here
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
I'm so full of bad words right now. Rvs almost always crashes in startup... When it starts up as normal, ingame it runs in slow motion. Even with the Omega driver and setting the affinity manually........
out of curiosity.....did RVS work before the computer crash?
Because that was what mine did, suddenly it doesnt work.....
And after copying and old backup, instead of installing RVS all over again, it works again.
Thats true Ambu, it did work fine before the crash....
But i dont have any backup of it
Tried making changes to the ini's yet?
just re-install Rvs...its not like its a major drama
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
No Wiz. I have done that 5 times today. Also tried to install on different disks. I have disabled the XP firewall, and are thinking of uninstalling Adaware pro...
My ping is normal.... But the game is in slow motion or chrashes on startup.....
I have tried the 177 driver, the omega driver and setting the use hardware in .ini file to False....
Affiniti is set manual to one cpu, have tried to use cpu 0, 1, 2, 3... no differense
I have searched for a solution, and made a post in support forums at my cpu producers web page. Got this answer, wick for now seem to work other then that i can't start the game with the new .bat file:
There are two things that must be done to get it going.
1. Disable Raven Shield VSYNC.
2. Run the game with one core.
You have to do BOTH of them for the game to actually work.
So here is how to:
1. Go to your RavenShield/System/ folder and open ravenshield.ini
Search for the vsync in the text file, and you will find an entry "UseVSync=True". Change it to "UseVSync=False". Save & close the ini file.
Go to your ATI/NVIDIA Control Panel and make sure that the vertical synchronization or vertical refresh is to the option OFF or Application Specific (auto).
2. Disable all but one core by Alt-Tabbing out when the game is open, going to the Task Manager, going to the Processes, right-clicking to the ravenshield.exe from the list and selecting "set affinty", and deselecting all but 1 cores (core 2 recommended to be left to work with the game for quads and core1 for dual cores).
Go to your R.S. folder, and create a new .bat file there.
File content:
@cd system
@echo Starting game...
@start /affinity 01 ravenshield.exe
@echo Exiting...
Save the file as "Start.bat".
Now start your game with the new .bat file instead of the R.S. exe.
duhhh that didnt help. Hmmm thinking of reinstalling XP AGAIN!!!
start.exe didn't gain an /affinity switch until VISA, XP users beware.
Hmmm starting to belive that is is my gfx card Nvidia 8800 GTX
and I'm running my old rig now... man thats a SLOW rig
@spidey s/IS/IST/
iirc, I've read that the ms hotfix required changes to bootswitches & registry, but sp3 integrates it all? Who knows. fwiw, I've only experienced false positives on changing the affinity on the fly.
Still sounds like a RDTSC problem to me :/
Now my rig works perfect with Rvs thanks to help from grish and this program
TY so much
- was asked to write out some reference instructions for imagecfg
- locate your rvs system dir, i.e. d:\program files\red storm entertainment\ravenshield\system
- save a copy of imagecfg.exe to the rvs system dir
- launch a dos prompt, i.e. start>run>cmd
Sounds nice, but I'll be using my no CD patch.
This patch made me able to play rvs on my quad core.... Actually its not a patch, you modify the rvs.exe file
And yes its a bought game
Ty for posting this Grishenko