Hahaha..first of all I want everyone to remember the glorious words of HRT Vesper and Drafoon (former BOC) about: We dont copy anything !!
Hahaha...now here is the question ..can someone tell me from where you guys maybe know that:
If you know...post it.. there is a lot more that has some interesting "origin" but hey who thinks something bad is maybe a bad person lol
I posted it in chitchat..because there it really belongs haha
Its so fantastic...cant stop laughing...
And if anyone does find out, I'll be handling it kthx.
Brings whole a new meaning to the word SIMILIAR!
The Above message has been copyrighted by Spec_Rg_Dallers any breachers of this copyright will be taken on in a Paintballing competition lead by SAS_Lake and accompanied by a shoot out similiar to my story in the clan topics
All Rights Reserved
If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault] (1844-1924)
This was very dumb.
It is a direct copy of Miles's perfect worked out "Guidance for Future Recruits"...
Suggestions for the next steps to come:
1. Make a screenshot of that post.
2. Check if and how far copyrights are breached.
3. It's then up to GCHQ to forward this matter to our lawyer.
4. BAN Vesper and Dragoon immediately from all [SAS]-properties in order to prevent further harm.
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
As I said before: I'm doing stuff about it.
Have you seen the part of TG1 and TG3 muahahahaha
They even copied that haha
If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault] (1844-1924)
ok ok i see we did many mistakes and im sorry for breaching copyrights; HRT is sorry for doing it and we promise that it wont happen again this shit. we did not even really thought about waht we did so i just say
Sorry SAS and we HRt are leaving your page and leave you stay alone. I just ask if my account can get deleted and i can get banned so that this shit does not even happen again. i hope you can in whih way ever accept our alibi. Im too sorry that i did that, i was a fool and i know that. now we just hope that all will be going fine now, i hope. again sorry for breaching any rights i did not really thought about what i did.
I deleted all SAS of my xfire so that we dont get into trouble with you once more.
last thing to say is that if you want that we do something, whatever we will do. But please try to stay without any aftermaths for us, just as i said the global ban from sas-servers and pages.
i hope thats all about this #### now and yes we see that we did something injustice.
Please SAS dont do anything against us except global bans; we promise that we from now to the end of live let SAS being SAS and we do not even talk anymore to you or do something you have or what ever.
Would have been a nice apology if you hadnt sworn bout 10 times?!?!?!?
If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault] (1844-1924)
Just one thing Timbo last thing u said to me directly was u NEVER! want to see or speak to a BOC*now HRT* member and that u never want to visit our site......
wow sas nice way to kill the rvs communtity, you seem to think you are the ONLY clan on rvs who can have their own webpage and server, and you bully other clans because they have a similar layout and are also interested in tactics. im going to be laughing when u have got rid of all the other clans and your the only players on rvs nice one ****!
Censored by Rasa, sorry no insulting in the forums.
1 more thing do we have a TG#1,TG#2 or even PG#1???? hell now so what are we copying u in server?????
I'd like to reply to that, mr Lou.
We don't bully other clans. We do insist that if our work is used, we are at the least given credit. If you make a written document of something, you want to be acknowledged as it's author, no?
We have no problems with other tactical clans, but some clans insist on copying our material without permission, so we react.
To Vesper: the thing about the TGs is just to prove that the document came from us becuase we do have TG1 and 3
i will write you a letter next time i want to use english in my next forum post so then i wont get "sued" hahaha you guys are so sad you make me laugh
oh and threatening to sue and globally ban people becuase their website is simialar to yours isnt bullying wow you need to learn some more english i think too
This is a Joke HRT what is this all against one???
Well you can make that 2
You Steal Someone Elses Plans Ideas and Breach Copyright and Expect SAS you just stand down and let it happen?!?!
There is no rule against looking at somebody elses Clan that Timbo has done but there is against Copyright and for a fact if any other Clan had done the same the action taken would be exactly the same!
One Question what do you aim to get from fighting a losing battle?!?!
If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault] (1844-1924)
I don't see why you keep hanging around then. Even the people who have copied our stuff have acknowledged so, but you still insist on griefing our forums.
We might be as oppressive, bureaucratic, "The Empire", "America", "Fascist" and whatnot as you might think, but we still don't force you to hang around on our forums. If this were a building I'd say "the construction people have left a door, you can exit it"
what ever floats you boat
and BTW that theme were are using is a FREE one u can find.......so not copy write and we WOULDN"T copy your skin *would take to long any way* so u cant do $$$$.......Enjoy your copy write free day..
No cursing - Rasa
hahah next time i download nvidia drivers il be sure to "credit" them lol
Troughly, you know perfectly well what SAS means with copying.
and Vesper, this isn't about the website theme any more. Can't you guys get over it?
Har Har Har...yes you are right kid! But to be honest..I didnt visited your site, someone send me this link. So I forgot to write it down that someone else gave me the link...sry
And the next thing is...that you just dont get the idea of all the things....
@dragoon: you are a quite smart guy...dont you think that if we wanted you guys to be banned entirely from our website and all the other stuff, we would just do it?!
Maybe some day you guys get the thing that is called "learning from mistakes"....What about asking before copying? Would that be that hard? Maybe we say: Yes, you can copy it if you put us in the credits....ever thought of that...or is that so hard to understand...havent you got your own problems with some guys that are copying your names or your tags? How do you think about that....I think you dont like it or am I wrong?
@throughlou: LOL..yes you are right...I am crying myself to sleep every night because the whole world hates us.....but you can do one little thing for me: Say HI to Ithen or whatever his name is now....You seem also to be one of those kids that is very lonely and has nothing to do than shouting around in forums of clans you dont like....hey a little tip from me: Get grown and get a life..there is a real life out there...believe me...and if you dont stop using foul language here...we have to ban you from the website, because as you can see...nobody is has the need to do so, only you. So thx in advance for behaving as a kind of mature person
Make that 3 backup has arrived
If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault] (1844-1924)
lol nice rant you had going there but im not the one who has spent 100's of hours playing rvs and in fact im not lonely, my friends at school and online are great and i honestly have better things to do than post out your forum but when you threaten my friends and clan mates thats when i will post
so all in all i think this discussion going to far; lets forget tht ban us and all are happy from now to ever. and sorry again
I'm sure we're all very happy about our lives. This is a nice conclusion to this thread that's gliding down into flamewars. Have a nice life everybody!
You are not an unknown here throughlou, don't think otherwise.
Since they seem to have deleted the thread on their forum, can one of my teamamtes fax me a copy of there screenshots?
As an old hacker I used to game with once said of trouble, always screen shot and log every thing for evidence for when they try changing there tune
I personally feel that this thread is some what disrespectful to BOC, or 'HRT' as they now seem to be called. But given the actions of their leadership over the past months, I'm not about to shout very loudly as long as it remains within an accepitble view of our CoH.
I have no problems with a clan wanting to be similar to another, it's a simple fact that in RvS and SWAT4 most of the times you can only enter a room through a door.
There is however a limit to how far you can copy another's content, without permission -- you have to respect the original owner.
A young Microsoft once tried to license a program from another company, they wanted to ship it with there OS but the negotiations fell through.
Microsoft and another company used what they learned from the other peoples closed code to rip off their product, ship it, and pay the other company nothing, not even credit.
That company sued Microsoft and won, the program was swiftly dumped from the OS and replaced with a less-effective but legally created and original product ^_^.
When I write code for myself, it is usually freely available upon request or ships with the program -> as long as the license terms are respected. When I write code for [SAS], it belongs to [SAS], and I respect it as such, down to our very original site theme.
It is good to try and be like others at times but not at the cost of your own originality.
BOC found a free theme that is sort of like ours at face value, I'm fine with that as long as they do not borrow parts of our custom theme, should they ever wish to make their site unique.
BOC had created a Warrant Office Class 1 rank not very long after [SAS] did, they even had the gall to ask me about the rank group, I'm fine with that.
BOC sometimes ask [SAS] Administrators about problems when they have problems (with silm results), I'm fine with that.
BOC eventually based themselves on the Royal British Marines.
Now that the name is 'HRT' I assume they are targeting the American Federal Bureau of Investigations Hostage Rescue Team, hopefully with a matching rank structure
You know what, in the part of the internet that I grew up.
People I met who changed names a lot usually did it to hide something, rather then let it public ally catch up with them.
A forum I am a part of recently migrated most of the community from a spam infested one. They have a _strict_ policy there that people can not even copy their own posts from the old forum, because the old forum (unlike [SAS]) had a policy that all content posted belongs to the owner of the website.
A lot of us on that new board hate that but although the old forum administrator doesn't deserve such respect, the community respects the law.
In all you do, serve with honour or not at all.
And I remind everyone, be respectful of each other.