Need a little help here guys.
I'm trying to set my keybinds but I didnt exactly know how. Did make a attempt but it went no where and I figured I'd just ask before i screw up and have to reinstall.So if anyone could lead me through the process it would be more than appreciated.
do the following steps:
Open on My computer:
1-> Program Files
2-> Sierra
3-> SWAT 4
6 -> User (its almost on the bottom)
On that file, you will see the following:
and all other keyboards keys.
To put something wrote on it, u MUST type say (for all) or sayteam (for your team on the game) and whatever you want.
F3=say Contact!
F4=teamsay Blue Team!
To put COLLORS on your key binds, do as following:
This website is for the collor codes. There you can choose and put before the words
F3=teamsay [c=FF0000]Red Team!
F4=teamsay [c=3300FF]Blue Team!
Okey, the rest is with you! enjoy!
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
[SAS] SeMp3r .:. SemperFy * Great Mind Think Alike *
hope that help yah mate
[SAS] SeMp3r .:. SemperFy * Great Mind Think Alike *
I'm all set and rdy to go thnx alot guys.....

im actually only one.. but cheers
[SAS] SeMp3r .:. SemperFy * Great Mind Think Alike *
He is one man......................
He stands alone with the knowledge..............
He stands alone with the power............................
(Drum Beat)
(Explosions) bullets flying everywhere Timbo and Lake front line take cover behind 2 cop cars as tangos flank from the left and right!! The deafening sound of bullets cracking through the air Duke comes back from the rear cover and drop kicks a stinger like a field goal over the cars exploding under a car and blowing 2 tangos off there feet! To the left with heavy armour Rouge and Spidey take on armoured tangos flanking hard to the right Big12 unleashes the G36 hitting the petrol tank on a Grand Victoria sending it imploding into the air! As Random and Wiz fly over in a Black Hawk Attack Helicopter and unleash a hail of bullets at 12 oclock out of nowhere Timbo takes one in the leg and hits the deck on his way down throwing a C2 charge at the attacking suspect and hitting the trigger finger!
Out through the smoke walks Not many men just one man! SEMPERFY
Its all over in a blink of an eye as the flashbang pierces the air and knocks the final 2 tangos off there feet surrounded and dumbstruck Semper picks up the briefcase and hands it to Allen he turns and says calmly.....
Keybind instructions enclosed! with a smile!
Man im bored!! HAHA
If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault] (1844-1924)
Nice story...
"Save" - after you have made a backup...
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
lol Dallers...change your nickname to Forrest Gump huh >> Take a break from the game

[SAS] SeMp3r .:. SemperFy * Great Mind Think Alike *
Run Dallers Run.......................................... haha
If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault] (1844-1924)
Dallers, ill keep you in mind if i ever want a boring story being told in a very exiting way
pure respect for the short story you just told us
the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me god
the only one i mis in this story is SAS_LCpl_Scout ( we three amigos stick together NO MATTER WHAT)
very nice one Dallers, you have my respect( but then again you already had that)
You can close your eyes for things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart for things you don't want to feel
With Pleasure Lake as discussed maybe there should be more to come and of course how did i forget the mighty Scout......
At the moment the Briefcase changed hands from Semper to Allen in the distance a shockwave of light burst through the clouds as a Combat Chinook flew over with its search light on full! for a second as 2 of the 3 amigos hit the skys with their scopes they couldn't help but notice a shimmer of light.... a morse code signal beaming brightly as it passed!
The 2 of the three brushed eye contact knowing the meaning of message that came from above.......Only they knew and the both took a moment...
Their hearts went out to the third amigo who would return once his work in the east was complete!
If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault] (1844-1924)
pure poetry
You can close your eyes for things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart for things you don't want to feel
Also, you can split the Interact & Issue Compliance by using
Replace F and G with whatever keys you want.
I find that very useful. Some people don't.
:cry: I'm sorry I can't shoot :cry:
Awesome Story there Dallers....Nice job m8
Right click the file: goto properties. Uncheck the Read-Only box and hit OK.
Now you can save it.
Thanks Fury...! And Dallers truly amazing story... I salute you.....ATTENTION ON DECK.
Its refreshing to see a gamer that is as computer illiterate as me i think it took me about about 40 minutes when Timbo was explaining it to me to get the keybinds right LOL
Give me a Machine Gun and im fine give me Computer Code and i turn into a Plank haha
Glad to see you got there mate
If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault] (1844-1924)
Yes... im not alone.
How do You make backups? And It keeps saying access denined
SAS "New York Rent Boy" Rev - Neutrino's Lover
NCO - Non-Commissioned Officer
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Decapi, Fluffy, Neutrino, Sniper, Carter, Blako, Bobby, Walker, West, Grom, Eve <3
Backups are just in case you screw up something, it allows you to have the original file so you can replace it again... all you need to do is just make a second copy of the file and keep it somewhere safe.
As for making the keybinds, google "Sw4t Colorizer", it makes the process much easier.
22nd [SAS] E.V.R. - Who Dares Wins
Hey rev, i saw ur PM, so i respond here , it will be usefull for more users. My procedure is =>
1. Copy user.ini to desktop
2. Open SWAT 4 Coloriser
3. Add binds , save ini
4. Make another copy of ur editet user.ini
5. Rename this copy as defuser.ini
6. Copy both to system dir. in Swat 4
7. Use Total Commander if access to program files is denied
1. Same as above
2. Edit in notepad
3. Save as user.TXT
4. Delete original user.ini from desktop
5. Use Total Commander to rename EXTENSION to ini from txt
6. Continue from point 4. From first tutorial
I hope that will help. And some notes
- DefUser.ini is same as User.ini but it can cause issues if u have Windows Vista/7/8 or 64 bit system
- make both files read only to prevent system reedit
- Total Commander is very usefull tool, im using it everytime i need to operate with system files, or avoid issues with UAC (User Access Control in Vista and above)
Basic knowledge about Windows security since Vista: files in program folder are write-protected for normal users. If you start swat or your texteditor as normal user, they can't change the files.
If you change your key-layout in the swat ingame menu while swat is not running with admin permissions, the changea will be saved to a file in a virtual storage folder, namely:
*drive letter*:\Users\*UserName*\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\*Swat4 installation Path*\ContentExpansion
(in my case: C:\Users\Raptor\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Sierra\SWAT 4\ContentExpansion )
This virtual storage will "lay over" the normal swat 4 folder, means swat4 running without admin permissions can only see the user.ini in the virtual storage, not in the original swat4 folder.
How to use this knowledge:
1. start swat normally (not as admin)
2. use the ingame menu to make the basic configurations, then close the game
3. go to the folder mentioned above and edit the user.ini with a normal texteditor and add the specials binds you want (make a backup before you start to edit in case you screw something up; make a backup after you finished your work, in case you screw something up later
JB, this may be your issue with key binds.
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Anything after XP is a proper pain to actually get stuff done straight away.
The above advice is good.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)