Hello everyone. First off i must say WOW that you guys are still around. Second im an old player that visited your server often. I cant remember what name i used either Pismo,Virus, or Nova. One of the 3 But id like to say im back into RVS again after a very long time. I already see some familiar names. If you guys dont remember thats fine i'll be in your server mostly
cya in game!
Cya in game....
Welcome "back", enjoy our server.
spidey i remember you!! glad your still around
Yeah, they would have to ban me to get rid of me >_>
ha ha, now the question is do YOU remember me?
Well to me, Waffles is the name of Max's cat
Virus, I do remember some one by that name that used to play a lot on our servers but they had a unique way of spelling it.
Pismo sounds familiar but doesn't ring any /loud/ bells.
well it was pismo because i looked at your members list and found the name. its not the most popular name. I was a regular there trying to get into SAS but could not because i was to young
yep it was pismo... LOL just remembered my password
Pismo/Waffles/Virus/Nove..Pick One, Im getting dizzy....
well it was pismo (i said the 2 others because i was unsure what i used at the time) but now its waffles
Pass the syrup
lol Spidey....
Hi Waffles - welcome on the forums and server.
I wasn't around when you were last on thus none of the names ring a bell.
[SAS] Veteran Chester 22nd Special Air Service - Elite Virtual Regiment
welcome waffles.
Howdy there Waffles and welcome to ya also.
If the two times we played this last week are any indication, I'll be looking foward to seeing you, Waffles.