Today marks the SAS Clan's 7th Birthday!!
It was 7 years ago back in a SWAT3 newly created SAS recruitment room that I recruited the first member of 'The Mighty' SAS Clan, SAS_One. We then set about recruiting a management team. As you know, the rest is history and 'The Mighty' continues to be a great clan thanks to the hard work the previous and current management teams and of course each and every memeber who's ever worn the SAS Clan uniform and made a contribution.
For yet another year, I stand and salute the clan and it's members!!
Good job men!
Colonel Smart (Retired)
SAS Clan Founder
happy b-day SAS
Happy Birthday SAS, Proud to be Part of a Tradition!
Cheers and happy birthday all
I'm humble when I think of all the work people have layed down in this clan.
Happy birthday SAS!
7 years passed, a long, sweet and rough road sometimes - not destined to end...
Thanks, Smart for having a vision, sticking to it and creating the [SAS] 22nd Elite Virtual Regiment. Now, 7 years later, you can be really proud. I salute you, Sir
Traditions are passed on, passed on by guys who share the same vision of friendship, honour, personal training and tactical gameplay as a team.
That's why we are here.
My thanks go to all members, who keep [SAS] alive by personal constant contribution. Special thanks to Major WIZ (Mr. SAS) and RSM Spidey for being nearly omni-present for years.
2008 will be a great year - [SAS] is out for expansion.
Good work, Gentlemen
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
Happy birthday SAS
Gone but not forgotten.
If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault] (1844-1924)
Happy Birthday SAS
im extremely excited about being a part of this one
Thanks Smart for all you've done
Thanks, but remember SAS wouldnt exist today without the commitment and dedication of those who followed in my foot steps and carried the leadership torch.
Colonel Smart (Retired)
SAS Clan Founder
I cannot take any of that credit im afraid..There is one key figure in this game of chess....SAS_Random. Without him, SAS would definatly be pushing up the daisies by now.
Happy Birthday SAS
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Oh wow!
7 years is a long time. I'm proud being a member of this team.
I want to thank all who has participated in making this possible, and a special thanks to GCHQ who stills keep the flame burning.
Congrats SAS, Happy Birthday.
Happy 7th [SAS]. Almost 4 years since I joined.
Hmm, I always thought it was One and then you two started recruiting others, oh well you were there and I wasn't <_<
Happy birthday [SAS], hope you can stay for the party Sir
Of course you can!!! You also are doing a good job
Almost a year now with the clan, and what a year its been.
Just wanna say thanks to everyone that made it possible
LoL, yes you are correct, it was SAS One, not Dact. Well it 'WAS' 7 years ago and I'm getting old. :oops:
Main post edited so there's no confusion!
Colonel Smart (Retired)
SAS Clan Founder
Happy Birthday [SAS]. It's been great being here and being apart of this clan, sailing into yet another year. I thank all who have worked hard to make this possible, and remember... 7 is a lucky number.
[SAS] Veteran Chester 22nd Special Air Service - Elite Virtual Regiment