Hi all,
Im COT, i play SWAT4 for a long time with you guys and finally im here introducing myself for everyone. I really like to play SWAT in your server because i think is the only one that is tatically, and the people that are Non SAS and SAS are really fine people, and im here to apoligize if i did anything incorrect inside of your rules.
i Pretend to be a friendly person of everybody and make a lot of friends here.
hey COT! glad to see you are here my friend..
i dont think u did something wrong... at least cant think on anything..
you are a fine player and a good element leader hehehe
hope can play lots more with u
cya bro
[SAS] SeMp3r .:. SemperFy * Great Mind Think Alike *
Good to see you there COT
I cant believe you did anything wrong my friend every game i played with you has been TOP NOTCH!
Look forward to play again soon!
If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing. Anatole France [Jacques Anatole Thibault] (1844-1924)
He there COT,
Nice to see you made it here.
Hope to see you moreoften on the servers, we normaly play good games.
@semper: remember the drills!, train train train!
You can close your eyes for things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart for things you don't want to feel
hey COT!!!!!!!
its been fun man, enjoy everytime we get to play w each other
good job getting xfire, now just get Team Speak
cya next time bro
Hi and welcome to the jungle....
Hey COT, nice of you to show up.
Keep playing in the server as you were, and you'll be just fine in what you want to accomplish here! (and I hope TG3 gets back into working order again)
Hey, COT
Nice seeing you registered - about time...
Good games last night - as usual...
WELCOME on the forum, enjoy your stay, see you on the server
Yes, only fine players here, cause [SAS] takes care of troublemakers...
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
Hey COT, nice to see you on the forums (finally), and nice that you gpt XFire
Either way, hope to see you around more!
Lecture I've been meaning to give you:
Instead of saying 1nd, 2nd, 3nd etc you say:
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th ... 9th 10th
If a number ends in 1 you say 'st' (with an exception (below))
If a number ends in 2 you say 'nd' (with an exception (below))
If a number ends in 3 you say 'rd' (with an exception (below))
Any other number you say 'th'
If a number ends is '11', '12' or '13' you still say 'th'
24 011th
Hope you understand
-Picture from 'True Lies'
welcome welcome
Hi, enjoy your stay and come back as often as possible
Gone but not forgotten.
Hi there, and welcome.
welcome to the forum COT
Welcome to the forums COT
Hey there, man! Good to see you here.
War. War never changes...