Vista in British Schools

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Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Vista in British Schools


The British Educational Communications and Technology Agency (Becta) has published its final report (PDF) on Windows Vista and Microsoft Office 2007. The agency is largely sticking with its interim recommendations that schools steer clear of Vista in existing deployments and Office 2007 altogether.

No idea what the state of school computers are but I know that the Public Library here still seems to use Win 9x for the computerized card catalog, dunno about the computer-centers boxes since they upgraded a year or two back so I'd expect XP on Dell hardware.

Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago

I've been working with Vista, and I find it's pretty logical. There are a whole bunch of things that can and do go wrong tough so I totally see why they're steering clear of it.

In Belgium, Dell already ships with vista.

And windows 98 second edition was the best OS ever.

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago

I was working on a Windows 98 PC running on an AMD K6-2 the other day. It was nice to see the ctrl+alt+del till you reboot your PC procedure end in a Blue Screen and a locked up PC that wouldn't reboot haha!!!

I really did like Windows 98 though as far as Windows releases go and if it wasn't for more developers starting to EOL offering program binaries for it I would probably use it myself if I had a copy handy.

I have yet to bump into Vista but I have not noticed much to like about Microsofts OSes since I used MS-DOS....

Last seen: 12 years 1 month ago

The computers we have at uni are replaced very regularly, and all the new ones have 'Made for Vista' stickers on them. Still run XP though, so I presume they uninstall Vista and reinstall XP on them all. Which is fortunate 'cos I don't like it very much.

I can get on board with the new Office though, even if the new menu system needs a bit of getting used to.

My brother, who runs the computer system at a fairly large secondary school wouldn't touch Vista with a barge-pole as far as upgrading from XP is concerned.

Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago

Weird, the guy at the store told me you couldn't uninstall vista to replace it. I'll get right on that.

Last seen: 16 years 6 months ago

Weird, the guy at the store told me you couldn't uninstall vista to replace it. I'll get right on that.

depends on the computer my parents just bought a new Hp that came with vista a nd i was able to install xp. But the computer they use for a American Legion (something like a VFW) i could not install xp but i dont remember why.

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago

There is no way that you shouldn't be able to remove Vista unless the system has been 'tainted' and that would probably be illegal.

Although one of my friends did try replacing Vista with XP on his laptop and ended up going back to Vista because he couldn't get XP working properly lol.

Last seen: 12 years 1 month ago

I'm only presuming Vista was removed, because they have the stickers on. Stickers are hardly indicative of what's actually going on inside the computer. Removing Vista from a hard disk and replacing it with whatever you want is however, very possible.

Anyway, my point was that despite looking very pretty, Vista doesn't cut it for me I'm afraid. Still, XP is hardly a bag of laughs either.

Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago

There is no way that you shouldn't be able to remove Vista unless the system has been 'tainted' and that would probably be illegal.

It wouldn't surprise me if this was the case alot.

Last seen: 2 months 1 day ago

well lets see...i just built a super computer. what OS did i install?

Vista = no
Xp64= no

I have legal copies of all, but the upper 2 were a no no in my book even though i run a 64bit system.

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)