i fear for the future of Norway XD
valroe is this what you guys do when bored? XD
i fear for the future of Norway XD
valroe is this what you guys do when bored? XD
And they call it a meaningfull duty.........
After 200+ bullets of SMG/LMG/AR fire plus 10 packs of C4 explosives.
I'd expect the bloodly thing to blow up into shreds!
I bet if they shot an RPG at it and/or ran over it with a tank that would do it lol.
[SAS] Veteran Chester 22nd Special Air Service - Elite Virtual Regiment
I want everyone to watch this video and watch how these idiots catch their recoil. A perfect visual example of how NOT to do it...
These guys are staff soldiers btw. With 5 days of shooting in one year, this is how good you get.
And Ambu, are you suggesting that army service is not meaningful?
No sir. I had a very meaningfull service. I served my time at PM-AFNORTH, and enjoyed everyday.
What I ment was a bit ironic......films like these are the ones that puts the army on hold, in several areas, but mostly poilitical.
And one of the slogans for Nor-Army is: "have a meaningfull service".
But, by all means, have fun, blow things up, shoot away coming seasons ammo....but dont show it on the internet.
im really getting bit scared of you guys. Maybe i should move a bit futher from norway
to belgium maybe? XD
Never. If someone needs to move it's those Norway guys

Think its DEAD yet!? I'm surprised the case was in such good shape after the explosives, although I would've just stuffed it in the case and found good cover... hehe
I think you mean Staff soldiers with to much time on their hands lol.
I think the display with the (A)G3 was ridicules but I shouldn't talk lol, for as much as I've learned about weapons before entering getting into RvS/S4... I've never had a chance to shoot any thing larger then a dart-pistol before.
I do have to admit though that I have wanted to do all that to a PC on occasion.... I can see the MG3 would work sweet for the job xD
The MG3 is my favorite machine gun since I encountered it in Ghost Recon (PS2) fyi.
Well, the recoil from the G3 is pretty hard to control on full auto. Standing in the "power stance" and forcing the recoil by leaning forwards and shooting in bursts would be the most efficient way.
The private on the video though, could need another person behind him to support his back
Actually a friend of mine was behind the camera when this and two other movies with the same guys were made.
These idiots have no respect for weapons what so ever as shown in this and the other movies (ill try to find them so you get what i mean).
To bad the second lieutenant, not the privates, was the only one that got charged, cause this is not the ppl we want in the military!
EDIT: cant find the other movies but as you can see here the 3rd movie wasnt any better
For those of you that dont read norwegian, one of the guys drove his old ford sierra 350km filled it with 60 liters of gasoline and used the same storm-tank ans in the 2nd movie to blow it up.....
Look! The swedes just released their latest army ad!