I would like to infrom one player on TG3. Players name is (TSS)Morgan_Earp, he/she teamkilled me and one other player intentionally and didnt follow orders at all. He/She used rude language before round started and after round was played couple minutes he walked behind me looked at me for a moment and shot me
:? . So i hope you notice my post and look if this player misbehaves again.
Rude behaviour on TG3
Tue, 30/10/2007 - 17:37
Rude behaviour on TG3
Verry good of telling us that we will be on watch for this player
TG#3 requires a 24/7 police presence.... hehe
Thanks for the info Val! We'll keep an eye open for this guy
"Godo godo!" Lazko and his typoes image size exceeded -- click to view
Thanx for the intel mate ........i will be on the look out.
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Be assured, that [SAS] will take care of him
"Jack_Bauer" is also no longer welcome on TG#3...
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
IF he's banned best file the paper work.
Other wise, we'll just know to watch out for a guy by that name who has a potty mouth and runs around like a headless chicken lol.
Not yet...
Just see it as an information...
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
Unfortunately there are a lot of these guys out there....
Watch out for a player with the nick:
--> Vegas or VEGAS
This guy can't take commands, rushes, uses SAS-tags...
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
yep, i played with this guy VEGAS once on tg3.. he pepper-sprayed the whole team..
[SAS] SeMp3r .:. SemperFy * Great Mind Think Alike *
ok having read al this, vegas is now officially in my book of shadows!
i will keep an extra eye on him
You can close your eyes for things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart for things you don't want to feel
Does TG3 really need constant admining?
I think we get many visitors on TG3 and only a handful are trouble makers. Most from PL--just kidding. We just need to deal with the few problem children.
Morgan Earp is Wyatt Earp's youngest brother. Chances are this player is a male.
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
It makes you wonder about the state of the TSS community tough.
Anyone know if SWAT4 has a bigger/better one?
I guess you venture off TG#1 and TG#3 even less then I do Random lol.
I haven't played on any other SWAT server for months now. SAS and friends only, and it's working out for me.
Why would you want to play anywhere else? I only play elsewhere when the server is full and I don't have enough time to warrant kicking someone else off the server to make a spot for me to only play a couple of rounds.
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Because on TG#3, trouble makers are dealt with and most admins are only an XFire message away for many server regulars.
It's probably the only server of it's tactical kind....
Rushing server
Team killing
Interfering with an element
Killing spree (civi, cuffed tango, e.t.c.)
Cursing a blue streak
Spaming chat
Insulting peoples Race, Creed, Colour, or Country
Are all offenses that will get yo butt in th e line of admin hell-fire
Compared to probably 90% of servers I've visited before...
Which usually fall into one of those categories, plus there is rarely any use of team work beyond the TDM principal of 'lone wolfs under one flag but never work as a team', often no admin, and many trouble makers are prone to vote-banning people.
Couple weeks ago, some one vote-banned Lazko from TG#3 before he could load up, threated to vote ban me (gotta love quick admin logins!), tried to rush the server, and insulted [SAS].
Any one that does things like this on [SAS] servers, will get a nasty surprise... while they are usually free to reek havoc on other servers.
I think we've actually been complimented for being a team that will 'take out the trash'
On TG#3, you get people working in Elements often (at least while [SAS] or Friends are present) and admins that will deal with problems according to server rules and policy.
It's like swat heaven without the halos lol.
I guess the big difference is that we're one of the few coop clans that's actually serious about it. Other coop clans like SOG have a lot of servers, but their members just aren't there.
Ok.... DUKE told me to post this here:
On the SWAT4 server some guy called "Bateman" was rushing (not just saying "go" or "When can we start" but spamming the whole chat box in caps) so we votekicked him, he then came back under "PaulAllen" or "PaulAllan" (can't remember) and when round started he changed to his name to "Bateman" and TKed all of red team then left. Hopefully someone could follow this up. Thanks! (If this is in the wrong place blame DUKE)
EDIT: Next round he came under the name of "Uni" and TKed 2 of us.
Screenshot of 2nd event: http://www.xfire.com/screenshots/toiletmaker/(Sorry it's called "Uni / Bateman" accidently took XFire screenie rather than Print Screen)
-Picture from 'True Lies'
"Blame DUKE"
I thought Adze was the only near omni-present Cpl to grace our servers ^_^ 8O
Noted Toilet-Maker, thank you
Watch out for the following players:
I recommend a PRE-WARNING on sight
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
yep was called from skydelete becasue of Gira Tking and also votebanning and votekicking other players.
It was Gira and General (renamed himself to 0)
kicked both.
they seem to change their nicks a lot.
On TG1 there is so many troublemakers that I cant spam the forum with all the names. Well not completly true.
Always a relief when a admin loges on
Got the following PM from a guy I know, yesterday:
"Today I was playing on the server and there were 3 people that were TKing each other and others.
Their names are:
Just wanted to let you know, Rainsford is already banned by some of the other people on the server. Perhaps as I am writing this; George is apologizing while getting TKed as a revenge for what he had done before."
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
I kicked Giaky a couple of time aswell.