thx all for taking a look into my web-site. I will see if there are some things which i have to do better. (more photos etc). I do when i have time the next time.
Some of the English is a little shakey but good. The information in the SAS section of the Special Units Section is wrong. Once a Soldier has completed the Selection Course in the SAS he doesnt get Trooper straight away. He has to complete Training in the CRW and complete a 3 month training excerise in Jungle and Desert environments (Burma and Omen).
yeah ok thx for the info sniper. i will change it as fast as possible. i didnt found about lol so i cant wrote in there. With my english. I know that this isn't the best, but i try whenever i found the time make it better.
Great info and pics guys
Have you made the site from the bottom?
If your web server is running PHP and SQL you might want to consider a pre-designed web page like PHPnuke (like this SAS site) or another blog type site to make it easier to maintain. (i use this myself on my webpage and it is a joy to maintain and post news)
looking nice.
You could remove all of the photo credits and store them as ALT tags that would save you some space
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Very nice Dragoon.
Nice Work, Is that you on the bike?
yeah jonsi thats me on a bike tour in the area around my village
dragoon and i are working on a new better design and more content at the moment
SAS Rct Ithen
(pronounced "eaten")
hehe lol yeah right ithen, but it will take long, cause when i have holidays i am not at home, so icant work on it. hehe
Good side there, Dragoon.
Nice pics you found.
nice work already
when will you start on virtual special forces?
thx all for taking a look into my web-site. I will see if there are some things which i have to do better. (more photos etc). I do when i have time the next time.
Very Nice Website Dragoon.
Some of the English is a little shakey but good. The information in the SAS section of the Special Units Section is wrong. Once a Soldier has completed the Selection Course in the SAS he doesnt get Trooper straight away. He has to complete Training in the CRW and complete a 3 month training excerise in Jungle and Desert environments (Burma and Omen).
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Nice start off, the HTML's not to bad ether.
yeah ok thx for the info sniper. i will change it as fast as possible. i didnt found about lol so i cant wrote in there. With my english. I know that this isn't the best, but i try whenever i found the time make it better.
Nice work, man. Looks interesting
Nice website and realy not bad for your first site design.
Nice homepage, Dragoon...
...much more content now - compared with the first time you gave me the link...
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
Great info and pics guys
Have you made the site from the bottom?
If your web server is running PHP and SQL you might want to consider a pre-designed web page like PHPnuke (like this SAS site) or another blog type site to make it easier to maintain. (i use this myself on my webpage and it is a joy to maintain and post news)
Nice homepage. But the re-directing thing at start is just annoying. Big no-no in web design.
Very nice website Dragoon. looks really good
No pain, no gain, no worry or shame. The more you gain the more the pain, What is pain if there no worry or gain?