I have never even taken a puff from a cigarette. I hate the stuff. My mom and her husband are always smoking and we visit there not so much because of it. I also can not stand the smell of it. Makes me sick to my stomach. I can't even stand the smell it on someones breath and I will make it a point to walk far enough away from a smoker.
Ten years ago I asked my mom how much she spent on cigarettes. Between her and her husband they spent $400 dollars a month. And this was when smoking was like three dollars a pack. Now I believe it is more like eight dollars. What a complete waste of money. My mom often has trouble keeping up with her bills. No wonder.
My Father smoked several packs a day, I think it contributed to why he's not alive now. My brother smokes Cigars, his father smoked just as bad.... With the family history we have I think he's nuts. I've never been around smokers a lot but some of the people I've worked for do. So I'm not having a problem with the smell e.t.c as long as they don't give me an allergy attack. I just don't like to be around smoke(rs) for health reasons.
I wouldn't mind an occasional drink from time to time but I know better then to ever let my self go. Drugs and smoking are 100% _O_U_T_ of the question, period and end of quote for me lol.
The only problem I have.... is not in the category of Smoke, Drink, or Drug lol.
Geeze, $400/Mo for cigarettes? Thats almost enough for an apartment !!!!!!!!!!
Yes I smoke. Try staying in a high stress envirement like on a mission I Iraq, Afghanistand and X-Jugoslavien, then a smoke is a great thing.heheheh. And like WIZ I also drink, and I swear a F..... lot.
That is what real soldiers do LOL Man it is time for my smoke and beer
1. It stinks, I can't stand the smell!
2. My father's mother died of lung cancer and my father got "black lungs" because of his mother smokin
3. I'm allergic to it!
Nope, I don’t smoke. Never has been either.
But I use smokeless tobacco. Something similar to snuff, Bad habit anyways….
nope why should i,it costs alot,it stinks,it makes u die early,i'm happy without it:)
I don't smoke anymore, or thats what I tell the mrs LOL LOL LOL
i don't smoke, cause i am a sportsman and if i smoke i would ruinate my good fitness.
I smoke. I also drink, and sometimes i swear.
Anyway, less of how being an Officer/Admin affects my health.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Yes I smoke... but not every day. Smoking is only dangerous if you smoke 10-20+ every day, over a long period.
\"Virtue is its own reward.\"
and don#t forgot the fire you need to smoke cigrattes.
Well, lung cancer runs in my family; (only one of my grandparents didn't pass away from it). That's pretty much why i will never try smoking.
I have never even taken a puff from a cigarette. I hate the stuff. My mom and her husband are always smoking and we visit there not so much because of it. I also can not stand the smell of it. Makes me sick to my stomach. I can't even stand the smell it on someones breath and I will make it a point to walk far enough away from a smoker.
Ten years ago I asked my mom how much she spent on cigarettes. Between her and her husband they spent $400 dollars a month. And this was when smoking was like three dollars a pack. Now I believe it is more like eight dollars. What a complete waste of money. My mom often has trouble keeping up with her bills. No wonder.
No smoking, no heavy drinking, no drugs for me.
My Father smoked several packs a day, I think it contributed to why he's not alive now. My brother smokes Cigars, his father smoked just as bad.... With the family history we have I think he's nuts. I've never been around smokers a lot but some of the people I've worked for do. So I'm not having a problem with the smell e.t.c as long as they don't give me an allergy attack. I just don't like to be around smoke(rs) for health reasons.
I wouldn't mind an occasional drink from time to time but I know better then to ever let my self go. Drugs and smoking are 100% _O_U_T_ of the question, period and end of quote for me lol.
The only problem I have.... is not in the category of Smoke, Drink, or Drug lol.
Geeze, $400/Mo for cigarettes? Thats almost enough for an apartment !!!!!!!!!!
Hah, my lungs only work for 80 % as is, so smoking is out of the question.
As the old SAS saying goes
My tobacco doesnt cost that much, because i buy it in Belgium u know.
Now where are my Rizla's
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Never smoked in my life, I hate the smell, hate what it does to you.
Yes I smoke. Try staying in a high stress envirement like on a mission I Iraq, Afghanistand and X-Jugoslavien, then a smoke is a great thing.heheheh. And like WIZ I also drink, and I swear a F..... lot.
That is what real soldiers do LOL Man it is time for my smoke and beer
I don't, never tired and never will because:
1. It stinks, I can't stand the smell!
2. My father's mother died of lung cancer and my father got "black lungs" because of his mother smokin
3. I'm allergic to it!
If you smoke you will be in my Scope ! ! !
Smoking is responsible for the many premature deaths in my Family i hate it
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
i only drink but i controll it perfectly
I'll do this one short.
Yes, me young thought cool, beer and smoke good, now bad habit, bummer, I'll quit, I promise, 10 smokes a day.