Hi Im Liam (Cobra) im 16 and i live in Uk-Middlesbrough Area ive played in TG#1 a few times in the past then i had to sort some stuff out i started playin again a few days ago i like online tactical shooters and servers wer people aint acting like lonewolf noobs and ill cya all in TG#1 server more oftern
Hey Im Just Introducing myself to u all
Sat, 04/08/2007 - 21:23
Hey Im Just Introducing myself to u all
Hey There Cobra
Nice playing with you today, we had som good games just keep comming back. But go to the tactic section and read our SOPs.
ok and my brother said soz for being suck a cheeky git earlyer
Hi welcome, It seems that you have stumbled across the best Rvs team in the world....lucky you
If you enjoy what our members do, read the link 'How To Join' it will tell you all you need to know. A lot of work has already been done by you finding our website, but the hard work still remains if you want to join.
A word of warning though, if u have a shared pc, log out before u let siblings play your games, we have banned many ppl who claim it was their brother who TKd.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Good to see you on the forums Cobra, had some good games today.
ok ill make sure i log out and i have already dnt the applacation
i must be psychic and knew u wer goin to say about looin at the how to join lol
and my brother had a crap attatchude he kep arguing and swearing i TK'ed because when sniper got killed he didnt reply to the shall we restart El said so we said we shall restart thats the reson i Tk'd we thought sniper went afk so we decided to restart it
Hehe, I once heard some guys little brother got him banned from almost every server running Punk Buster xD
lmao u being serius ill kill my brother if he did that lol
TK is not allowed
indeed welcome to the forum....and hope to see you around
Hi and welcome. Hope to see you on the server
wtf my xfire thing wont work ! can anyone help
Hey Cobra, Hope to see you around
hey cobra, Good to see ya on the forums and the TG(s).
Noli Mi Tangere!!! Don't Tread On Me!!!
hey does any of u SAS members know how long a Applecation takes?
It can take any where from 2 weeks to 20 years.
Hmm, I wonder what the date of my initial application was :/
LOL i could be between 16-36 when i get a reply for my Applecation lmao
Yeaaah Cobra...the wait is long and enduring....we usually ask, before allowing a person to be granted Recruit status...to isolate themselves in the Appalachian Mountains, via HALO entry, for ohh about 2 or 3 months....record the whole grand experience....and get a feel for what some Special Air Servicemen in real life have to endure when put on extremely dangerous missions...we are a tough virtual regiment....and btw welcome to the community mate
Oh and don't forget the initiation tests, gotta survive C4 in your socks... Find the laxative in your KoolAid, the exploding locker, Relishes old P.T. routine (well, couch potatoes rule :-P), ooo and you've got to fight a Challenger 2 and win using only Fragmentation Grenades and live to tell the tale.
Hahaha j/k. The Selection Course is a hard long road to reach but one well worth it, if you're tough enough and it's what you really want --> Go for it.