I would like Spidey, Duke, and Scout for a photo shoot on TG3. Using Xfire's screenshot system.
It would be nice to have a photo of everyone I admire on TG3. Location: TG3 at the Redlibrary. Duration: Probably 5 Minutes. Time: August 2, between 6:00 to 8:00 PM EDT. Btw all times here are from my location. Some GMT times can make it so that the 1st here is the 2nd elsewhere. Please let me now if I can do this photo op, I would just have to stop the game for not even 5 min at start up.
[SAS] Veteran Chester 22nd Special Air Service - Elite Virtual Regiment
Please use GMT, as we are a world wide organisation. Local times can often become confusing.
I believe Chester's GMT would be GMT-4. I know Ill be on TG3 after work today.
Noli Mi Tangere!!! Don't Tread On Me!!!
Duke being on vacation and I being available; i can take his place in the shoot if you want
I'm a photo-person 
"Godo godo!" Lazko and his typoes image size exceeded -- click to view
Sure Lazko you can take his place.
I just need a good photo of some of the SAS on their server. Maybe when duke's not on vacation we could do another photo op, but that probably won't be for awhile. 
[SAS] Veteran Chester 22nd Special Air Service - Elite Virtual Regiment
"Godo godo!" Lazko and his typoes image size exceeded -- click to view
Current time:
Thu Aug 2 21:14:07 UTC 2007
Thu Aug 2 21:14:07 GMT 2007
Thu Aug 2 17:14:07 EDT 2007
I just got home from work a little bit ago, I'll be in when I can.
arrgghhh. Long day at work i gotta go back for a meeting so i may not be able to make it srry chester ill get ion on the next one though .
Noli Mi Tangere!!! Don't Tread On Me!!!
Hey are you lads making a SAS calender hehe
A Nikon D200 and a SB-800 Speedlight Flash should've been included in the equipment list in SWAT4 then