Banned over extreme misunderstanding

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Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago
Banned over extreme misunderstanding

User: Coolgamer167

Today I was in the clan server, forget who EXACTLY was there, but at least two SAS members were there.

One had been masked as being another user, and someone was upset with him for taking a long time to click to continue the round.

I got tired of doing nothing but listen to the guy complain, so I typed out some nonsense to fill the time between the round.

This consisted of no profanity, merely the word "desu" a few times. About 5, maybe, during a 3 minute period.

At the start of the next round, the guy that was upset shot the admin, who was using a different user name.

The round restarted. I attempted to clarify that I had not shot at him, and the player who was kicked had acted alone.

This resulted in the following conversation:

"This is a final notice. ANYONE who fucks with me will be banned from the server. Comprehend?"

To which I replied, "Define fuck".

This got a few laughs from those logged in, including the other SAS member. However, it seems that the other was not amused. I was banned totally.

I was not just trying to make light of the situation. (I thought a joke might defuse the stress.) I WAS BEING SERIOUS. I wanted a clarification of the rules. Were we not allowed to joke around in team chat in front of him? Were there topics he didn't allow? I just wanted the general guidelines.

This is not something to ban a person over. I have been a great asset for the most part to the clan. ill, gloryhands, the baroness can all testify that I have never meant any harm.

I'm actually shocked that I got banned over an innocent joke. I'd like this to be fixed as soon as possible.

Last seen: 4 months 1 week ago

There was 1 member in the
I have had more than enough complaints about the general attitude of non-members in the server recently. Im not saying you are one of them. But so.

Alexx was deservedly banned.

We DO NOT tolerate an attitude on any of our servers that are not team oriented or un-friendly. Alexx did not know who i was or where i had come from, and he TK'd me..Banned.

I used profane language, although in your official quote of my chat with the players, you chose to exclude one important sentance, which was "I dont normally say this"

You then proceded with your initial statement, upon me revealing who i was with the words "oh shit"

Yes, you remember me warning you several times about rushing ppl the other night now dont you.

While we were in server, i asked you what desu meant, 3 times.

If you wish to continue playing here, fine. But remember, we have strict server rules and we will stick to our idol (or not so idol) threats


Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago

There was 1 member in the
I have had more than enough complaints about the general attitude of non-members in the server recently. Im not saying you are one of them. But so.

Alexx was deservedly banned.

We DO NOT tolerate an attitude on any of our servers that are not team oriented or un-friendly. Alexx did not know who i was or where i had come from, and he TK'd me..Banned.

I used profane language, although in your official quote of my chat with the players, you chose to exclude one important sentence, which was "I dont normally say this"

You then proceeded with your initial statement, upon me revealing who i was with the words "oh shit"

Yes, you remember me warning you several times about rushing ppl the other night now don't you.

While we were in server, i asked you what desu meant, 3 times.

If you wish to continue playing here, fine. But remember, we have strict server rules and we will stick to our idol (or not so idol) threats


The "Oh shit" was a remark of surprise, as in, I knew alex would get kicked and would in deep trouble. If you asked me what desu meant, I didn't catch it. It's merely a reference to an anime, . A character says the word multiple times. It was merely me mocking alex for being annoying, repeating his request for the game to continue. I was annoyed at his attitude, and felt like mocking him, but I didn't want him to be aware of it. Hence, the desu inside joke. I wasn't rushing you. I was mocking him rushing you. I'm sorry for any confusion.

The other night, the incident you mentioned was an isolated incident. I learned from that, and it's never happened since.

I did not choose to "not disclose" anything. Everything I typed was from memory.

If you have a problem with me in the future, I would prefer if you discussed it with me. I'm a reasonable person and do my best to get along with others.

Last seen: 5 years 1 week ago

Well I was not there, so as an [SAS] Member I'll mearly quote some thing some one acidentally deleted from public access. And leave the rest to the parties involved.

Server Conduct

** Respect and be polite to all players. Do not use foul language.
** There is no excuse for injuring or killing team mates. Know your weapon,
control it, and never aim at a team mate.
** Do not rush people to ready up.
** Do not spam the tactical maps, V-comms or the chat channel. Go-code
"Zulu" is solely for tactical purposes, not for fun.
** Do not start vote kicks when [SAS]-officers or soldiers are present. The
[SAS] is perfectly capable of administrating their own server.
** When no [SAS]-member is present, report any misconduct through our web
** If going Away for a long time, please leave the server or enter spectator
mode. We reserve the right to kick long-term AFK-players.
** When an Element has a plan and mission -- do not interfere with it. We
encourage all visitors to participate in our team efforts. Do not hesitate
to ask to join an Element. For the benefit of yourself and the team: Read
our Tactics section to learn more about team work.
** Obey orders from any [SAS]-member. If asked to stay out of the way,
please do so.
We reserve the right to deal with anyone that has developed a reputation of
misconduct on our servers, using any means the [SAS] finds appropriate.
Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago

Well I was not there, so as an [SAS] Member I'll mearly quote some thing some one acidentally deleted from public access. And leave the rest to the parties involved.

Server Conduct

** Respect and be polite to all players. Do not use foul language.
** There is no excuse for injuring or killing team mates. Know your weapon,
control it, and never aim at a team mate.
** Do not rush people to ready up.
** Do not spam the tactical maps, V-comms or the chat channel. Go-code
"Zulu" is solely for tactical purposes, not for fun.
** Do not start vote kicks when [SAS]-officers or soldiers are present. The
[SAS] is perfectly capable of administrating their own server.
** When no [SAS]-member is present, report any misconduct through our web
** If going Away for a long time, please leave the server or enter spectator
mode. We reserve the right to kick long-term AFK-players.
** When an Element has a plan and mission -- do not interfere with it. We
encourage all visitors to participate in our team efforts. Do not hesitate
to ask to join an Element. For the benefit of yourself and the team: Read
our Tactics section to learn more about team work.
** Obey orders from any [SAS]-member. If asked to stay out of the way,
please do so.
We reserve the right to deal with anyone that has developed a reputation of
misconduct on our servers, using any means the [SAS] finds appropriate.

I followed all of those. I think he thought I was rushing him, and I guess I can understand that. Really though, I was only mocking the guy who was blatantly rushing him. The "desu" thing is an internet in-joke, just look it up on Wikipedia. Comes from 4chan.

Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago

This issue is not debateable, nor appealable.

Our [SAS]_Maj_Wiz made a ruling, and we as [SAS] members support his actions fully and will comply with his direction.

You have stated you opinion on this incident, the only person to make a ruling on that issue is Maj_Wiz as none of us will over rule him.

In my opinion you over stepped your bounds, it is not your place to make comments about others in the servers, it is not your place to question the comments or actions of [SAS] members, regardless of rank or position.

It is your place to bring a positive contribution to the gaming experience, and nothing more. The policing of [SAS] servers is not your responsibility nor do you have any comment about how it is handled.

If you are truely the gentlemen you profess to be, then your wisdom will tell you to stop airing your laundry in public places, to discuss this issue quietly via PM with the Major and to let this incident slide gently into the past.

Time will only tell if you will be wise, or if you will feel the need to make another posting to vindicate your undefendable position.

[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas

Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago

I never meant to question anyone's actions. I only posted here because I didn't remember the name of the person who had enacted the ban. Otherwise, I would have made it a private matter.

I never tried to question policy and I NEVER tried to police the server.

To clarify, I'm not posting this response to "vindicate my position". I just wanted to know what was going on.

I do hope that Wiz understands that I never meant to offend him in any way. Hopefully, we can talk this out and come to an understanding. Your server has always been the best, at least in my opinion, due to the strict rules enforced. I haven't had to deal with many annoyances on the server, and when they came up, they were quickly dealt with.

Again, I'm sorry if my actions were a violation in any way. I honestly didn't think that the joke would result in a ban.