How to start a revolution?

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Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago
How to start a revolution?

How to start a revolution?

What is one action a government could take to make its people rebel in the streets?

I thought about it when I was thinking about the average trooper in the Continental Army. And soon after I knew what it was lol. *hint* its some thing American troops were guaranteed during their service during the American Revolutionary War. If done, almost any one I know would probably take serious offense to it.

*hint* it was not an issue that caused the war.

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago

New tax laws passed

Average price of Beer: $3,000

How many countries do you think that'd start a war in loool

Last seen: 8 years 6 days ago

alot but belgium is smart Beer is allowed from the age of 16
i love it Blum 3

Last seen: 14 years 11 months ago

18 here in Sweden. Well I'm sure we would have a revolution if the taxes only went up another 5% as we're already at 35% tax on the income heh and 25% on everything you buy Lol and at least 70% on gas haha

Last seen: 3 weeks 9 hours ago

It wouldnt start a war. Come to the UK , experience huge tax rises every single year. Its been a few hundred years since there was a war on UK soil.

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

Last seen: 14 years 11 months ago

Do not under estimate the value of taxes Wiz. Either the value of Libertaria.

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago

I remember the last one on US Soil..... it could've been settled with a game of high stakes poker if you ask me ^_^

Last seen: 12 years 4 weeks ago

Wiz really has not been that long since the troubles in Northern Ireland.

That saw years upon years of voilence efffecting many peoples lives.

There were terrorist attacks on UK soil plotted and carried out by UK citizens.

I am glad that my generation do not have to deal with that, but I suspect you being older than me, you were probably around to actually remember those events.

That was all caused basically by religion. Two different types of Christianity killing one another.

More recently, in which time i can remember we have had race riots, Bradford springs to mind.

Also remember seeing documentries on riots against police.


That is just over 20 years ago.

And Wiz Falklands war was fought on British Soil. Not UK but its still on our land. Has not even been 100 years since our cities got the s**t blown out of them in WW2. And didnt German invade a small island during that so some of the UK was under German occupancy?

In terms of a full blown political revolution in Britian, I guess if they took away the NHS tomorrow that could spark enough anger in the UK.

IMO all countries have there problems, we are all just very good at forgetting about the past.
