HI Guys ! I am just saying hello here! I am Spock , SpockCTU, SpockyHUN, and when the season starts Watch24Spock . I tried to reg here 2 years ago once with failure but now i made it!
second try
Mon, 02/07/2007 - 17:42
second try
hi and welcome at the forums
hello and welcome! did you say you tried to register 2 years ago
Hiya Spock good to see you on the forums........and RVS all the way mate ! !
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
all the way yes......
Hello, ol'bugger!
Nice to see you in the forums, you RvS-veteran and SAS-friend!
Thanks Rouge you are my favourite captain (after Kirk).
Nice to see you here Spock!
War. War never changes...
Hey Spocky hope to see you on the server!