Everybody please welcome SAS_Sniper aboard. After so many tries he finally left the road to hell called selection course today and is now a full member of this team.
Congratulations mate! Well done!
\"Virtue is its own reward.\"
Everybody please welcome SAS_Sniper aboard. After so many tries he finally left the road to hell called selection course today and is now a full member of this team.
Congratulations mate! Well done!
\"Virtue is its own reward.\"
Congratulations mate. Very well done.
congrats mate your officially one of us now
well done sniper
B****y well done Sniper. I like to say the previous sentence in my head using your distinct british accent.
Welcome aboard the mighty mate I'm happy that you made it to Trooper!
Moderated by the Rouge for language.
"Godo godo!" Lazko and his typoes image size exceeded -- click to view
welcome to the mighty
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Congrtz Sniper
Well done mate,
You haved showed what you can do here, now get out there and do us Brits proud! lol
You deserved it mate
Now that you've passed the SC you can start finding out the more advanced stuff to learn when you get home muhauahuahauha !!
Ahh this is good news m8. Congrats, you deserved it.
Keep on......
Looking forward for more gg with you...
Will Will Will, my good old soldier bud
Sorry i wasn`t there to attend your TT :/ But anyways, congratulations mate, I knew you would make it this time cause you truly are a great soldier!
Though we can`t send you on Stealth operations, haha (jk), we truly can send your arse all alone into dynamic assaults! And that counts for a lot my friend!
Congrats M8. Welcome onboard.
Congrats Sniper!
Thanx everybody ! ! ! Im so glad to have made Trooper and the SC is over .......it is truly a hard selection. Snipe and Medic your turn next HHAHAHAHAA ! ! !
Thanx for the congrats lads
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Welcome in the team!
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
Congrats, ol'chap! You have passed the needle's eye.
Hey Sniper congrets good job man
Nice to see SAS is still alive and kicking ..congratulations from a vet.