For all who have just the standard armpachtes....
Poland Flag:
Uk Flag:
USA Flag:
German Flag:
You must download the data an put it in the ordner armpatches in your RvS game dictionery...
if someone wnat some other graphics or flags feel free to write this here or write me a pm!
Greetz Raider
i load tomorrow when i get my RVS
Always have the British Flag ifs or buts mate lol
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Ha ha ha Sniper... you must have the norwrgian....
Well consideing that Norway was part of the SAS in world war 2 i think we should have the British, Norwegain, belgum, french, greek, polish, Australian, NZ, Canadian, and Rhosdain. lol as these countries in WW2 did have a SAS detachment under the SOE SAS op ever .............TELEMARK in norway
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Well I come from that place, and have talked to the guys who blew up the heavy water plant. They told me all about it. Have walked the same route in the mountain as they did. Tough guys....
Nice one Medic give them a pat on the back for me and tell them to come to colchester for a chat and a beer ! !
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
have the patches now raider