Other well-deserved promotions that are effective immediately and will strenghten the team structure are as follows:
RSM Rouge to Captain
SSM Spidey to RSM
Cpl Noer to SSM
LCpls Miles and Lazko to Cpl
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
Congratulations all!
Congrats guys!! You deserve it, everyone of you!
Exept Lazko.
congrats...all you deserve it....
Greetz Raider
Congrats to everyone. Well deserved!
huh? :?
Well Congrats to Rouge meister, to Noer, to our dear arachnid and my beloved lizzie.
\"Virtue is its own reward.\"
Good job boys. As for me I will always be Queens of SAS. LOL
Rouge>>Congrats my Norwegian friend. Have you still not seen that Ive
caught all the fish in and around Mandal
Spidey>>Well, you diserve this. I only have ONE question. When I joined this clan your dog was SAS_LCpl_Dog. What rank does it have now?
Miles>>Congrats. Your entrance and improvements set a standard within the Swat community. Your first days at swat was.......hard
And now your a top gun on TG3. Happy for your promo
And Lazko>>You will always be my little rectruit, even if you should (may God forbid it
) outrank me some day. Congrats and lets rock thoose recruits so they cant see whats up and down. Congrats Lizzie

congrats boys
Wow tons of Promo's goin down here
Much congrats to all of you gentlemen, extremely well earned and best of luck to you all in the future
Bah, I have claims to that throne too!
After the greeting I got from Rasa this afternoon, this makes me very happy !!!!! Congratulations, very very well deserved
Noer, I'm glad to see this moment come and I hope you'll enjoy the role of SSM as much as I have. You've got a good head on your shoulders and the responsiblity and generous nature to rock the SNCO dept
Miles, I've always said that I wish I was more like you when I was a LCpl. I'm very proud to see this day come
Lazko, dispite first impressions you're a fine NCO and I know you will make as awesome a Cpl as you did a LCpl xD
Spidey, well what can I say about my self... but Thank you and whoever was passing the Tripple Vodka and Double Rum mixtures around GCHQ this morning too :/
Congratulations my friends, very well deserved each of you.
But how I fitted in the mix I'll never know lmao. It is an honour to be counted among you all.
congrats to all of you. Well done.
Rouge by your undying loyalty towards the clan and your outsanding leader skills, I am sure that you will be a top notch Captain! Congratulation!
Spidey you deserve this promotion and I am totally sure you will support us like you used to do. Keep up Spidey good job!
Noer my mate, my buddy, my cookie friend, I was so happy to see that your dedication paid off like this! You are one of those that you never forget in a life-time mate. It will be a honor be ordered by you
Miles where can I begin...It's no secret that we share a special bond, do we?
You're a great mate and an excellent NCO and I'm happy that your hard work is now rewarded.
Finally, I want to thank some guys that are very special for me. I want to tell them thank you for giving me this everlasting thrill in SWAT4. I thank all of the SWAT4 Trooper and Recruits for giving me the honor of teaching them what I knew and to have TRUSTED me in my lessons. To them: THANK YOU FOR BEEING WITH ME
And of course thanks to GCHQ and to my fellow SWATT4 officers for their support.
"Godo godo!" Lazko and his typoes image size exceeded -- click to view
Congrats all!
Congratulations .........Noer, Lazko, Spidey, and Rouge ! ! ! ! ! !
Well deserved all of you !
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Yeah this Tryout was great
^ ^
Well as everybody condescend to give such a nice speak I guess I should too ...
Rouge Meister: What shall I say: Rouge for president! You've done A HELL OF A LOT for this clan and I hope you will do in the future. Splendid work Captain! I salute!
Spiderman: Another one of the big three who contributed lots to SAS' growth. Your training sessions always were and are a pleasure. You hold a big part of raising many fine SAS members (including me ^^). Really an awesome job, keep it up.
Noer(ette): We all have seen your work you did for this clan. You are most definitely the coolest paterfamilias in SAS. Good work well deserved.
Lizzie: Oh oh my dear and beloved Lizzie. What shall I say what shall I say ... actually it's needless to say anything ... everybody knows that you are drilling the hell out of the Rct ... that you do lots for the growth of the S4 wing and that you really really deserve this ... so hip hip hurray to Corporal Lazko
\"Virtue is its own reward.\"
Hello hello
This turned out to be a beautiful day after all.
It makes me happy to see the promos...
Well done guys...
Keep on the good work....
WOW - really good news!
Well deserved for sure
Concerning these lucky guys, who ever and ever give their best for the Regiment - all is said in my "Thanks-post" as I got Trooper.
DUKE, Germany
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
Good job and congratulations everyone!
congrats all, looking forward to working with you all now i have returned
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
LOLOLOLOL... I read a post about Spidey as the new RSM, and thought perhaps I had been sent out in the cold, due to my involuntary gaming absence... However, after reading this topic, I see the stars much closer and brighter now ... I may need sun glasses.
Thank you for your confidence, SAS. I will represent the SAS with glory in any officer's mess in the future. Beware!
Congratulations, SAS_RSM_Spidey. Very well deserved. The RSM is always the most bitchy and dissatisfied person in a military organisation. Nothing should ever be good enough for him. I may have been to nice to people.
Congratulations, SAS_SSM_Noer, my Danish friend. Now that you have become Squadron Sergeant Major, you have to sacrifice your barbarian fishing trips to my home town. You simply won't have time to fish and kill completely innocent salmons...
Congratulations, SAS_Cpl_Miles. Finally a corporal from the back of behind. Your leadership has become much clearer, since your days as Sacer_Miles.
Congratulations, SAS_Cpl_Lazko. Despite Valroe's teasing, I believe you will wear your tags with pride and professionalism.
And to all of you others that wasn't promoted this time: Keep up the good work!
Let us go forward together!
this is going way fast mates but not to say not earned good luck and congrats
Happy promo day!
Sorry I missed this posting earlier, I am pleased to see these promo's.
Good Luck to all in their new positions.
Oh and Rouge... Captain or Not... your still the FNG.
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
hehe lol for you i hope it's not the last one.
You guys are real assets to the games. Well deserved!

Swat_Lukas Coop Generation Veteran