Just wondering where you live. Hmmm I guess that a large number lives home with mom? LOL LOL LOL
Or is it like me? Beeing whiped by my wife beacause I play to much on PC?
-"Turn of that d... computer. Come here and listen to me talk about candles and napkins" 8O :oops: :oops: :oops: 8O
well, im 16 i dont have an own house or apartment!!
19, work but don't get paid so I'm still living at home.
My preferred would be a nice house, wife, and 2-3 kids. And enough money / flexi-time to spend time with them and the [SAS]. If I could, the United States Navy would be an interesting road to travel.
Hmm, wouldn't it be awesome to have a daughter grow up and join this great team lol.
i still live by my mom. I'm to young that i can live alone.

wheres the i live with my parents option?
Medic. Ill support you. 2 kids (Anne 4 years old and Camilla 1 year old) and girlfriend in a house near water and forrest.
Nice one Noer. In the Futur your daughters will probably find it cool to have such a cool daddy.
As for me no girlfriend nor wife. Everybody who know my age conceive the rest.
\"Virtue is its own reward.\"
Noer, I got view to the ocean, and mountains and hills behind my appartment. Nice for running and beautifull walks.
I have a lovely wife who let me play online. I have one son, 8 years, but he lives with his mom in Sweden
Bergen sounds like a great place to live with a view like that ! ! wow
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Seems I am the only one living alone...
...having a nice view over the town with a lot of trees not far away...
One possibility in the poll is missing: Living alone with a girlfriend abroad...
"What's the plan?
Track'em, find'em, kill'em!"
Well since I don't have a wife I can't vote here, but I do live with me husband in a house that we rent.
Wow alot live at home still .......is that rent free ??
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
Does working for no pay count as free?
hehe do you work for no payement? Or are you a student who learns a lot at the moment?
All of it goes for the bills. Not enough left over to pay me lol.
Free room and board though ^
About the only time I have money, is around my Birthday or Christmas. As the future looks thats likely to get 'cut down' too.
Well, Not only has the military got me, but so do a 1 1/2 yr old boy and his mother lol. We live in military housing on base.
Noli Mi Tangere!!! Don't Tread On Me!!!