As some know i put two teamspeak server up but unfortently I lost my internet and wasn't able to pay the server bill so it went down.
I put one up again and will put one more up, so anyone can use it in game if there are people that dont have the PW to the SAS TS so that the tactical advantage can still be utilized!
The second will be the same but with 8002 as port.
Or through the IP:
It's run of a linux server located in Atlanta, USA.
This time the Linux server has been prepaid for three months lol
Can give full access to SAS members.
Hope there is a use for it!
That reminds me, I should install the TS Client on my BSD Laptop
Is this server up all the time?
It's on a dedicated Linux box, so yes it should be, unless it crash of course
But that shouldn't be a problem
Fun playing with you today by the way!
Most Linux Systems are very stable.
My OpenBSD Server runs without a hitch, only shuts down for thunderstorms, power outages, working on the hardware, and upgrades (installing new kernel),
Yep, my server's been up for 43 days. I tend to do a reboot once in a while, even though it's not needed considering microsoft isn't involved
Reminder of today: Don't delete several thousands of files through FTP, it takes a while. Not sure how I could think of doing it, I know it takes an eon of time to delete files that way, but I did it anyways, I have to pay for it now
I tend to use any kind of ssh access nowadays...
ftp is rather outdated, though a client is in most o/s's by default.
Konqueror and lukeftp are my favorite FTPclients
but my LAN lives off of SSH.
There is also FTP over SSH
Yeah I use SSH in 99% of all cases. But this was a new backup server so I didn't know if I had SSH so I did rsync through my server and then I had to delete the files because i made a naming misstake. So i had to delete several 1000 of files so I did it over FTP as I was sure i had that. Later tryed SSH and i had access
I prefere no to use FTP in any way or form, neither through SSH nor ftp client. It's just takes longer then directly going through SSH directly to the server. I use ftp over SSH at times though, when I need.
Permission problems fixed
I use Filezilla for FTP and it doesnt take that long to delete stuff. Although i much prefer Cpanel
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
I like to be without any control panels to get the most out of the server in terms of control