This company consists of people that were developing Ghost Recon1, and the earlier rainbow six games (up to rogue spear i think) amongs others. They were the core of Redstorm but deflected supposedly because of the arcadeism UBI and Redstorm eventually had to incorporate.
These guys now want to make a new Tactical, realistic game where you can fight in urban, open/field environments, really carefully plan the approach to your objective, either by zodiac, diving, fast roping by chopper, driving directly to target or patrolling. They said they wanted their game to have pretty huge maps (not ArmA huge) where approach to target is important, just as completing your objectives on target will be.
I think this production will be the best tactical game ever made if it makes it past the drawingboard. The company is very small for now and lacks funding. They are even announcing low payed concept artist positions for the game on their homepage.
Lets all pray!
From the picture it looks good but what game is it and when does it come out ?
Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training
GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment
The generic vendor anwser is
'it shipped last tuesday !'
The generic programmers anwser is
'its ready when its ready'
Lol, that's SUPER informative.
Confidential - Top Secret - Confidential - Top Secret

Wow that does look really good. Probably same as SOCOM. Is it being made by a player, or big game company?
Confidential - Top Secret - Confidential - Top Secret

This company consists of people that were developing Ghost Recon1, and the earlier rainbow six games (up to rogue spear i think) amongs others. They were the core of Redstorm but deflected supposedly because of the arcadeism UBI and Redstorm eventually had to incorporate.
These guys now want to make a new Tactical, realistic game where you can fight in urban, open/field environments, really carefully plan the approach to your objective, either by zodiac, diving, fast roping by chopper, driving directly to target or patrolling. They said they wanted their game to have pretty huge maps (not ArmA huge) where approach to target is important, just as completing your objectives on target will be.
I think this production will be the best tactical game ever made if it makes it past the drawingboard. The company is very small for now and lacks funding. They are even announcing low payed concept artist positions for the game on their homepage.
Lets all pray!
If I was as rich as Bill Gates they'd have the funds to corner the market.
Hexen made a thread about this not too long ago. He and I already registered on their forums, however, we haven't posted much.
The game looks excellent thus far. I really hope it does live up to Rainbow Six' and OGRs standards.
Yes very promosing projekt indeed, I have big faith in it.
And it should already be released sometime in 2008, according to the FAQ thread.