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Last seen: 14 years 12 months ago


Does anyone now what makes ping so high? have no viruses, running xfire and TS, but ping is still high when i close them down. Have shecked my line, its 3500 in and 500 out...


SAS_Ranger's picture
Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago

My Best bet would be: FireWalls, especially Windows XP FW if u have it, I make sure mine is off.....or if u say only xfire and TS along with whichever game you have runnning are the only programs on....I would double check make sure nothing like a LimeWire or File Share service is running, because that can raise ur ping quite a bit or even another AnitVirus Software u may have going on ur computer...and in my experience, I do all of the above, and sometimes in S4 I join servers that are from different countries opposed to the US or Canada, and myself get extremely lagged when playing on foreign created servers even with my Cable Connection as well....

hope this helps ya out a bit Dirol

Last seen: 5 years 4 weeks ago

If you're talking about TG1, it's definitely the server.

Last seen: 14 years 12 months ago

I'll check my firewall, didn't think about that. Good tips, and I hope it will work.

Rasa, I was at TG1, but I was the only one with that hig ping, 850 at the highest....

Last seen: 5 years 4 weeks ago

While you might be the only one with such a high ping, I'm getting more lag then usual myself.

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago

A software firewall shouldn't make to much overhead unless you have too many rules. Mine has a single rule for RvS and I can play fine. If it had to pass through 20,000 rules for the games needs. RvS would probably be slow as a snail. I also don't use Xp's firewall. If you've recently screwed with your modem / router e.t.c. you might check it's configuration out.

A few background applications shouldn't have much trouble with a line like that (assuming Kilobytes). What will kill your ping is downloading stuff as you play.

Be it eDonkey2000/gnutella/bittorrent clients and Limewire and all that crap can probably do it if they are running while you game. As can streaming video, although I've never had problems with 'net radio.

Usually when I want to see whats up on my network I run a tcpdump

I think both servers are located in the South of the USA so theres plenty of distance to add latency.

On some very slow lines (20-40kbps dowstream), downloadig updates for Norton Anti-Virus can also cause lots of lag hehe.

Last seen: 14 years 12 months ago

Well I turned of firewall in XP, have a rule in F-secure and have restarted my modem. Now my ping is down to aprox 150, but runs hig for some seconds when switching til xfire and back...

No download (use newzbin)


Last seen: 5 years 4 weeks ago

I don't know exactely what newzbin is, but it seems to me like some kind of filesharing site.

EVERY transfer of files causes up- and download traffic. Things like Torrents, FTP clients that are working will enlarge your ping.

Last seen: 14 years 12 months ago

Download for usenet servers usig a program called neewsleecher. But I am not using it while gaming

But its good...

Last seen: 14 years 1 month ago

I've been having ping problems recently. I switched from my old computer to my new gaming laptop, and my ping went from normal (same as everyone else or around their's) to 1000. No matter what i do, my ping is 1000. The only thing that is different from this computer and the old one, ping wise, is that this computer is running the Windows Vista firewall and the old one was running XP's firewall. I've checked, and the firewall is set to allow it through in the same way the old one was, and i have no other programs running in the background, no xfire, no teamspeak/ventrillo, no itunes, no file sharing or downloads, nothing except what is running by default on the computer. In fact, i have less running than when i play counter-strike, but on CS i have a ping of around 75. On RvS i haven't gotten my ping below 1000 since switching computers.

What should i do?