Why not try this game for a co op ?

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SAS_Sniper's picture
Last seen: 8 months 1 week ago
Why not try this game for a co op ?

hey lads

ive always like the game delta force task force dagger as a "good" co op game due to the scale of the maps and the strategy required for objective achievement. and possibiliy introducing you lads into some standard soldiering and contact drills.

Let me know what you think Biggrin



Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training

GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment

Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago

I've played DF:TFD for a long time, I own every one frm DF1 to DF:X.

I've never played much Coop, as far as I know the only diffrence between SP & Coop in DF was respawns and a lot more tangos. The best part of TFD like any good DF game is the sniping, balence of acarde to realism factor, and seamless intregration of custom maps.

Most of the stock maps in Single Player at least. Largly amount to sneak or fight your way in. Blow crap up, then get out or kill them all.

Last seen: 12 years 10 months ago

I have also played this game alot with our WT brethren. The game on single player mode would be fine... except you cant get the game to work that way in MP.

In the MP sessions.. the tangos randomly spawn close to the action, sometimes right in the middle of your friendly formation.

It is a lovely game.. and I truely enjoy playing it... but I have not seen the MP sessions be anything more then a reduced version of Battlefield.

If you could prove me otherwise... you have yourself a chair at my table.

[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas

Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago

I played DF:BHD SP and i liked it a lot.

Then i found GR and the expansions

Shortly after i found Rvs..Then SAS.

but BHD i enjoyed as SP

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

SAS_Sniper's picture
Last seen: 8 months 1 week ago

I liked the MP session for DF TFD as you could (like with RVS) bring your own maps and missions to the servers. As spidey said i love to snipe on that game as its brings planning to your game and just not a arcade shoot em all to win. Twisted


Head of Recruitment & Tactical Training

GCHQ - 22nd SAS Elite Virtual Regiment

Last seen: 17 years 3 months ago

I remember this game. It was pretty darn awesome. The only thing that bugged me was the voxel maps (it was really glitchy).

Did it ever go free? I only tried the demo.

What about Black Hawk Down? Didn't that have semi-tactical gameplay involved (ie some online servers had it set up so you had poorer accuracy and would possibly not hit the target on the first burst of bullets, and may require a whole magazine to take it out which made it better for assaults (because snipers could hold you back with ease)? Or is BHD just really TDM style? I've never played it online.

I'd like to see SAS play something more along the lines of Hidden and Dangerous 2: Sabre Squadron (as Sabre Squadron has co-op, unlike H&D2). It really requires a lot of pre-planning and skill/appropriate loadouts to get the job done. It's a blast to play on multiplayer, although there's only a few co-op servers which are built around fast-paced "kill as many German/Italian/Japanese as you can"


Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago

DF:BHD is running with a Aimpoint Scope and M203 Grenade Launcher sniping people while running like a bat out of heck. In my humble opinion, the balence between Sniper and Gunner was destroyed in BHD.

In First / Second gen DF (DF1-2 and LW-TFD) you ether had high accuracy /w slow rate of fire (sniper) or low accuracy /w high rate of fire (gunner) for long range. A Gunner might need 60-120 rounds per kill at 450-750m, a good Sniper could do it in 5-10 rounds, assuming a moving fleeting target. Riflement could balence this out by having to stand still to use scopes, to gain good accuracy. Yet having good RoF for Closer Quarters fighting.

In BHD, the M4+203 displaces this balence.