today 03/03/07 i played on swat training grounds with sas tactics(first major random was leader then he left and lance corporal Noer took over)and i totally loved that style really it was great to be pointman and i'm glad there are still people who want to play as a team and don't go freelancing and people who listen to eL
thats why i'm here
i'm yuke i'm from belgium
occupation:swat 4 online coop(as much as possible but the annoying school is always interupting )
intrests:sas tactics offcourse,computer,hanging out with friends,...
study's:industrial science
plans for future:become an industrial engineer or a SI officer (belgian swat)
any questions?
Welcome to the forums & servers
And the only non password locked server I've ever seen thats actually tactically serious in S4 ^_^
thank you for the welcome,
btw is there a place where i can find all the explenations for the shortcuts that you use ingame?
If you can understand verbal English language, did you ever try to see the show SAS: Guardians Against Terror, or even hear of it?
here's a clip of one of the episodes, and here's one of the SAS black kit. A clip of immediate action, and one of SAS snipers. Those are the only clips I've found of it on Youtube that were worth watching, but it's kinda-sorta in depth on the whole episode.
Hi Yuke.
The Keybinds system should be somewhere in the tactics forum. If you are as serious as you say, you should really read the 'How to Join' section.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Shortcuts as in key binds? Yes. Here's a link to a small tutorial.
EDIT: Disregard this. The link I provided you was for Raven Shield, not SWAT 4.
I think the best keybinds in S4 are for saying you've seen a tango, the tango has fled, the tango is down, and the civilian won't surrender. (personally).
As far as terms, typically b = flashBang, g = cs Gas, c = C2, nvs = No Visual Sightings, cc = roger/copy that.
ok will do that.
thanks for the info and i hope i can become part of the clan
One of the smarter things to do, if trying to join, is to not try to call the 22nd EVR a "clan," but a team or tactical unit. But you don't need my word for it; just ask a member
ah ok thanks for the tip
Hey there Yuke, welcome to the SAS community and hope you enjoy your stay
again thank you
damn what a warm welcome
great community here guys
You know, someone, somewhere told me that only about 4% of people who introduce themselves on this forum with the hope of joining actually make it on board [SAS]....
How's that for a warm welcome 8O
you meany head (go's cryin at his mommy)
ok rigghttt
still i hope i reach there to
lol wel i sure hope i'm one of those 4 %
Hope to see you on Rvs server also....
hmm don't have rvs only swat 4 and tSS
but maybe next week i have las vegas sas planning to go to las vegas?
I don't expect them to move to Vegas. It's a horrible game for what they're in to.
well not horrible but really not the old RvS style anymore thats a fact but style its wicked on Xbox 360
I have that on the last level it plays good and is fun
normally i should have it on of these weeks
almost school exams
I can confirm that [SAS] 22EVR will not be adopting R6:Vegas. We knew lots about the game in advance as our CO, LtCol_Shield is on the Rainbow 6 Development Council.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
ah ok
but still it would be cool but yea if its not SAS its not SAS 