SAS dropped it tactics.... it switched to BF2.... adopted a cool fiery theme for their frontpage and decide that a lowercase a in the tag would be cool:
Wed, 07/02/2007 - 17:12
Nice looking website
ya BF2 looks like an amazing game, have it myselfy but sadly my Radeon 9200SE will not let the game function properly :?
neways I like this SAS much better
uhhmm is that supposed to be for me lol? no clue what that is 8O
The idea is Spidey got banned for clicky o linky ^_^
That website has been around for ages, Im told it is the work of the mighty Trig.
And Rasa you got the name on the link wrong...very wrong
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
ya it did seem familar to me before
"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.
How many people here have BF2, cus i play it at least 1 or 2 times weekly. Would be fun to play it w/ you guys in a squad on a city map.(Karkand,Mashtuur.)
It's not "wrong" Wiz, just making you guys imagine a doomsday scenario.
I have BF2 but rarly play it. I generally prefer MOUT maps (urban) and sticking to Infatry / Car attack forces. I'm usually found working the bolt of a sniper rifle. Dancing the medic jig, chucking ammo packs all over. Or sneaking around the lines with C4 and my G36C Sniper Carbine and Marksmen SD-Pistol since they were so accurate when I last played.
Well spidey, you pretty much named all the kits except for engineer and antitank haha. Sniping is the best on Karkand. What is awesome, is blowing up bridges as a full vodnik crosses over it.
In BF2 u will usually find me...oh no thats wrong.
In BF2 u usually wont find me, but all of a sudden all your comms are down and they stay down.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
remember that episode of Star Trek when through a freak transporter accident, the main characters swapped places with their counterparts from a parallel universe? Visiting that site, I think I have an understanding of how Capt Kirk must have felt. 8O
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
I remember that episode... good call Random...
In BF2 I do a true team approach...
The Squad Leader must recognize that he is not there to earn points but to ensure the Squad maintains a mobile spawn point... if #'s permit I ensure that the squad members are at least a Support to keep us well armed... some Demo guys and a sniper...
Makes for a good squad that is self sufficient... and I prefer maps without AIR POWER as those fly boy pukes just take the fun out of the game...
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
Mirror mirror who is the madest craziest of them all !
I personally prefer keeping my feet on the ground... I like BF2 for the infantry ops.