Vista upgrade invalidates your XP key

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Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago
Vista upgrade invalidates your XP key

Vista upgrade invalidates your XP key

One thing I do know, if I get forced to buy this piece of crap I don't want in a few years. They are not touching my frigging data.

SAS_Ranger's picture
Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago

Just IN....

Bill Gates is a confirmed ****** Diablo Twisted

Moderated by the RSM, according to the SAS Code of Honour.

Last seen: 14 years 5 months ago

Just updated to 'Internet Explorer 7' yesterday, what a piece of garbage that is.

For instance now when you have Hyperlinks, they are all running in the background.

Last seen: 14 years 9 months ago

One german newsreader cut it right to the case ... "... Windows Vista, one of the longest viruses ever released ..."
My personall oppinion of vista isn't better either ... well Vista has all this glittering new features ... and maybe the handling is easier ... but it's still unsafe like all windows systems ... though many people will buy Vista and many companies will start to develop games for vista and in years I will probably have to buy vista too ... anyway I don't like it ...

\"Virtue is its own reward.\"

Last seen: 11 years 10 months ago

I got Vista Business Edition for free, from school. I installed it on a seperate partition on the harddrive, and choose between XP and Vista when the computer boots up. So far I like Vista very much. I feel safe behind a firewall and Antivirus program. I've never had a virus, and not a single Adware or Spyware in registry, while being behind this firewall/antivirus. All this gossip around Microsoft is pretty ridiculous. Windows works good enough for me.

Last seen: 14 years 5 months ago

Yes Vista is supposed to run a lot more stable then XP (on a capable Vista machine of cause) and the security system should also be pretty decent from what I have read and heard. I think there are two strong reasons why so many are complaining, first the layout and mechanics are slightly different from the original windows concept and secondly many have over the years built up some very high expectations.

Last seen: 2 months 4 weeks ago

I know i speak for the masses here when i say that the Windows FW and anti- whatever programs are well behind in their technology.

When will Microsoft design an OS where you can choose your level of service?
I, like many others would prefer to use whatever software we like on our systems, and not be held hostage, Its not as if they are making extra money out of the software that comes bundled with the package. So why force us to use it?

I run a tweaked XP pro, many of the nice features are turned off (quite an easy process, but not for the faint hearted) but hell it means i can get my 1.8 with 512mb ram, to run like a dream, and do what I want it to do.

As for the cd-key...that has never been a problem for me with windows products....and this continues with Vista (more technology where they are lacking) :roll: :roll: Wink

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

Last seen: 14 years 9 months ago

I feel safe behind a firewall and Antivirus program. I've never had a virus, and not a single Adware or Spyware in registry, while being behind this firewall/antivirus.

I didn't hold any grudge against microsoft untill about one year back in the past when I had programming course which dealed with the construction of multi-tasking and PC clusters. The guy who was teaching the stuff was a real computer and programming professional, having 10 years of programming experience. He spoke about 10-15 different programming languages and even owned vista before it was released. This guy explained me why all microsoft products are one big security problem: it's the programming language microsoft is bassed on. Put simple the language doesn't allow a 'real' admin, cause the language itself isn't passworded. f.i. the unix system has a password on the language therefore you have 'absolute' security. A hacker can't perform a single command on your PC without the password ... in comparison to the unix systems a hacker CAN perform commands on your PC limited but he can ... and therefore he is able to hack your PC.
All the unix systems are MUCH saver than windows f.i. there exists iirc only 1 virus for Linux and the security problem was solved with an update ... therefore the number of viruses for Linux is zero now ... but for windows there are a few billion of viruses just waiting to infect your pc.

never had a virus

eehh ... ok ... if you have an external firewall on o proxy PC and you daily run system checks with different anti-virus programms which you update daily ... I'll believe you ... if you don't ... I think you already had a virus, you currently have one or you will have on in the future ...

P.S. don't pin me down on ever little detail ... like I said the course lies one year in the past from now ... but I'm 100% sure I remember the main singsong ... "windows isn't save ... unix systems are" that was ... the only reason I don't run a unix system is that I'm too stupid and too lazy to install it.

P.P.S if I got anything wrong on the programming language thing feel free to correct me *looking out for spidey*

\"Virtue is its own reward.\"

Last seen: 2 months 4 weeks ago

I think Miles is right.

Q: Leon, how do you know that you have never had a virus,adware,malware or spyware?

A: because windows tells you that you dont.

Most systems have some kind of adware/spyware/malware running that only certain programs will find and i can tell you for certain that windows and Norton are not on that program list.

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

Last seen: 14 years 5 months ago

And that's where youre recommended program Ad-Aware comes in eh?

Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago

I really don't like the way Windows is so unflexible: for example, there are certain folders where I can't switch of the read-only, even with the administrator account.

The whole security centre is a load of garbage too: they try to hide the options to turn of those stupid warnings.

Removing a user account is a strange and complicated process too.

Vista is once more the product of Microsoft virtual money making scheme. "Added functions", puh... "More security", I use no firewall, no anti-virus. I just don't open suspicious files, I don't download things I don't know.... It's kept me safe for 4 years now.

"Stability" The most stable windows version was 3.11. And only because it was a mere DOS shell. After that, stability kept declining.

Last seen: 2 months 4 weeks ago

"Stability" The most stable windows version was 3.11. And only because it was a mere DOS shell. After that, stability kept declining.

Darn, that was after my learning days...if we were lucky we got 3.0

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

Last seen: 11 years 10 months ago

Q: Leon, how do you know that you have never had a virus,adware,malware or spyware?

A: because windows tells you that you dont.

I mean... I've never had adware/spyware/viruses with symptoms. Like those who hijacks your desktop and your right mouse-button etc.

SAS_Ranger's picture
Last seen: 6 years 3 months ago

lol im sorry i didnt know i wasnt allowed to say N*** :oops:

my apologies to all SAS :cry:


Last seen: 2 months 4 weeks ago


Viruses that affect your mouse are the least of your worries

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)

Last seen: 11 years 10 months ago

Viruses that affect your mouse are the least of your worries

That's true. Viruses that damage the system and delete files are much worse. But as long as I'm behind a firewall + Norton antivirus, I will most likely not get a virus on my computer. So far... no symptoms... no worries.

Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago

Workaround Discovered For "Clean Install" With Vista Upgrade DVDs

My XP box has many small tweaks, my brother would go mad using it. Just from my focus follows mouse settings (i.e. don't click to raise inactive windows, hover the mouse for 0.4ms). I've had to kick the ever loving crap out of the system to make it as close to what I want as I can. On BSD or GNU/Linux systems it takes a few minutes to do it all from a GUI (if using KDE/GNOME).

I, like many others would prefer to use whatever software we like on our systems, and not be held hostage, Its not as if they are making extra money out of the software that comes bundled with the package. So why force us to use it?

Its not just profit, its dependancy. If the WWW requires IE9.0 to surf and Firefox 5.0 can't do it, no ones going to leave Microsoft supported platforms. The book I've been reading on xhtml1/css2 90% of all the 'note' or 'work around' hacks so far have been based on issues with IE7s late betas support for html4/xhtml1/css2 or 'note for IE7+ only''s.

I've never had a virus really just some trojans, hijacks, and spy/adware. But not every infection pops up a warning - if it did it'd be called adware instead haha !

@ Miles

With Unix systems the first concept of security is to lock the doors. But theres other ways to compromise the system if you know how. I can make it so I can see every thing done on my FreeBSD system, down to the files edited, the changes some one made, to the very programs ran for how long and for what and from where e.t.c. Basically the you'd have to ask GOD to find out more kinda level. All using software that comes with the system (also for free) or a few ports to make it easier.

On Windows, its just to much dang work to main tain security at a high level. Let then bugger my Winbox, I can reformat + encrypt my hard drive and restore my data via included backup software at such a low level that the only way. So not even taking the hard drive out of the computer and putting it in another BSD box could read it. Unless they swapped root disks and had my security details for the boot up Smile

I talked to some one the other day, their log file of attempted logins was 9 Gigabytes worth of failed logins over the network. Not a single person got through their Security and into their GNU/Linux server. And trust me you can find out if they do Smile

One reason that I would love to buy Vista is they finnally have copied Symbolic Links from Unix with more completness then on XP. Its a shame really that Windows NT still has so much garbage ideas left over from the computers in the 1950s !

Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago
Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago

Vista Ultimate is awesome hands down best OS I've ever worked with.

and just so you know Vista Upgrades only invalidate your XP if you buy the upgrade version that explicity states it replaces your xp. you can buy a non upgrade version if you want to keep xp, it seems like a completely legitimate business platform to me.(they did the same thing ME to XP just so you know)


Last seen: 16 years 9 months ago

If it ain't broke don't fix it....

I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.

Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago

For $250 worth I'd rather buy a video card and power supply then a new OS. Thats what I call getting the bang for your candy bucks

For me to use Vista..
Third GB of RAM ($100)
A real PSU ($50+)
Decent Geforce 7x00 (>= $160 && <= $250 )
Vista Ultimate ($250)
Running it at a good speed while playing high end next-gen games (priceless).

Then again, I'm the kind that prefers XP to have >= 768MB RAM.