Personally I think it was a good idea for people that can't tell time.
I have four computers, my moms is her business (local). My laptop and my SMB/NTP server run on UTC, my Desktop runs on local because I don't want to fool with Windows more then I need to, and when I boot it into BSD or GNU/Linux it runs UTC
Me, I sync on UTC - as in the standard time for Unix, the Internet, and the US Armed Forces and close enough to GMT time wise to be interchangable. With the differences being more for techno-nerds to argue then me to care. I mainly use 'local time' when dealing with the locals and UTC for actual operation xD
If you don't know what your time offset is, just look at your time zone settings. The majority of systems tell you your GMT off set +/- n hours as well as your TZ name.
I see 2 options for a clock..
One is Javascript
the other is Flash
While one of our themes uses flash, i will always endeavour to keep 1 theme totally flash free.
Unfortunatly with a clock it has to be available to all themes.. therefore javascript is the answer.
As i said before this interferes with the chatbox, if i can make the 2 work together, then the old clock will return, as i happened to like it.
Failing about a simple timezone converter?
I was thinking about having a Clock right here on the page, too.
And since some time has already passed, maybe WIZ is now able to incorporate it without getting rid of the Chatbox?
Server side == look up current time on server, convert to GMT time if necessary times per page load times per user -- likely a lot of system calls for every page load IMHO for such little value.
Client side == I have no idea what JavaScripts time functions are, it could be a case of looking up current time on user PC, and having no idea what their offset is lol, or having them specify it.
I'm using FireFox 3.01 and have FoxClocks add on and currently have GMT(Zulu), Los Angeles, NYC, UK, Iraq, Afghanistan, Malaysia, Sydney across the browser in military time. So if you use FF you are in luck. I suspect there are add ons for IE as well.
I can certainly look into it.
I turned the old clock off for 2 reasons.
1/most people have the time on their desktop anyway
2/ it stopped the chatbox from working.
What do others think? Do you want a clock?
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Drop the Clock... as indicated we all have Clocks on the desktop... utilize the space more effectively...
Like a tribute to your favourite Captain
[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas
Random's not a Captain anymore, so why bother...
Personally I think it was a good idea for people that can't tell time.
I have four computers, my moms is her business (local). My laptop and my SMB/NTP server run on UTC, my Desktop runs on local because I don't want to fool with Windows more then I need to, and when I boot it into BSD or GNU/Linux it runs UTC
Me, I sync on UTC - as in the standard time for Unix, the Internet, and the US Armed Forces and close enough to GMT time wise to be interchangable. With the differences being more for techno-nerds to argue then me to care. I mainly use 'local time' when dealing with the locals and UTC for actual operation xD
If you don't know what your time offset is, just look at your time zone settings. The majority of systems tell you your GMT off set +/- n hours as well as your TZ name.
I see 2 options for a clock..
One is Javascript
the other is Flash
While one of our themes uses flash, i will always endeavour to keep 1 theme totally flash free.
Unfortunatly with a clock it has to be available to all themes.. therefore javascript is the answer.
As i said before this interferes with the chatbox, if i can make the 2 work together, then the old clock will return, as i happened to like it.
Failing about a simple timezone converter?
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
What about a PHP module or java applet?
(javascript != java Applet)
I could make an applet
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
I don't need a clock. Clocks just tell me I've spent too much time on the computer.
Lt. Col (Retired)
22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment
I could use a clock for GMT cus im on the west coast US. but if it messes up the site, it doesnt really matter.
yes a clock would be nice
I was thinking about having a Clock right here on the page, too.
And since some time has already passed, maybe WIZ is now able to incorporate it without getting rid of the Chatbox?
- He who fears death cannot enjoy life -
this gives me a few ideas...
i can do that.
However, its unneccesary in my view..As i said before...We all use OS' that have clocks built in.
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Even though I still se members getting GMT time wrong.
It wouldn`t be too difficult to implement a Zulu clock for easy reference? I mean, since this is the only timezone that we work with here in SAS.
As far as implementation goes:
Server side == look up current time on server, convert to GMT time if necessary times per page load times per user -- likely a lot of system calls for every page load IMHO for such little value.
Client side == I have no idea what JavaScripts time functions are, it could be a case of looking up current time on user PC, and having no idea what their offset is lol, or having them specify it.
I'm using FireFox 3.01 and have FoxClocks add on and currently have GMT(Zulu), Los Angeles, NYC, UK, Iraq, Afghanistan, Malaysia, Sydney across the browser in military time. So if you use FF you are in luck. I suspect there are add ons for IE as well.