Surfy loves Vegas!

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Last seen: 16 years 10 months ago
Surfy loves Vegas!

Just had to drop a line and mention that RS: Vegas is pure pwnage and it makes me happy to know that I want to upgrade my video cards just so my computer will run this game. The graphics are beautiful. Unfortunately there is no anti-aliasing support. But without futher-ado....I just wanna say Shielf this game freaking own man I hope you like it. You scared me for a while but I have had non-stop fun with it ever since i pulled it out of the box. 8O

What does everyone else think so far? Biggrin

Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago

I looked at 4 things to day.

R6: Las Vegas
nVidia GF7300 and 7600
Hard Drives.

My file servers two old to use any thing over 30GB so no go, I need a new PSU before I can get a video card, and I'd rather buy a USB Floppy drivethen a new 'shoot em up' game.

Thats what I think so far <_<

Last seen: 14 years 5 months ago

Let me put it this way, it might be able to entertain me for 12 hours!.. it's fun, but its not very realistic nor tactical - in a r6 way.

Last seen: 16 years 10 months ago

Let me put it this way, it might be able to entertain me for 12 hours!.. it's fun, but its not very realistic nor tactical - in a r6 way.

lol are u kidding? its so much better! it has more features...etc! but hey thats just my opinion. i still think its the best rainbow six ive played. BUT i will always have a place in my heart for Raven Shield.

Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago

I think the best I've ever played was the first Smile

I've heard there is no leaning in first person view - unacceptible by my standards for any 'modern' tactical game. Rainbow Six 1.0 got away with it for being a late 90's game that revolutionized the concept of tac gaming only to be extingished by greeds flames.

Last seen: 18 years 2 months ago

the weapon selection sucks

There is going to be only two hits my bullet hitting you and you hitting the floor