At 3:15 pacific time (12/20/06) , when the server went from8 to 4 players, Xzaber, KS Matsuro, Paladin Blake, and I beat Penthouse HR in 1:55.
I dont know if thats close to the record, but i thought that was pretty damn fast. I have a screenshot of the stats if anyone wants proof.
Merry Christmas everyone.
Fire at will!
Good job lads, see when I left things got better

Good job, That is very fast
but sorry...
No Cigar
Lt_Col WIZ, VC, MiD (Ret)
Very fine job
I'm still trying to figure out how we can get it down to a minute flat without any one getting gimped.
Well done that's a good time. But the current record is 1 minute 27 seconds. The screenshot is at THIS LINK. None of us died either, it was a good team job.
Former SAS_Capt_James - Webmaster, Map Maker, Live-Ops Creator
Its been done faster then that but I don't think we had as small a team then.
I don't think it CAN be done any quicker. That time is almost exactly the time it takes to run directly to the hostages and back to the top. Maybe you could knock off like 2 seconds but that's all.
Former SAS_Capt_James - Webmaster, Map Maker, Live-Ops Creator
:yoda All I can do is grin, I had forgotten about that.
Was there video with that too?
I think it can be done quicker by about 6 seconds, and here is my proof. Here is the record for 8 players WITH casualties
It was a low key operation that not all necessarily aware of, so credit must be given to the individuals responsible. Although a few operators were killed in action the time shows that improvement can still be made on this particular scenario for whoever is daring enough.
But it did show that it can be done faster then the record, my goal is to do it in 1 minute or less
Spidey, to get 1 minute or less you will definitely need to abseil from a heli, blow out the window, lob a flashbang the size of a horse, extract the hostages using a large fishing net, and fly off into the sunset.
Seriously though, good job to the 8-man team getting 1:19. It's a different record to the 4-man no injuries one, but it does prove there is room for improvement.
That said, if you're doing 4-man no injuries you HAVE to go slower. For you to fail, the tangos only need to hit one man out of four, and don't even have to kill him. So you have to be careful. If you are doing 8 man with deaths allowed, then to make you fail the tangos have to kill (not wound) all 8 members, which is VERY VERY much harder for them. So you don't have to be so careful. It's a huge difference.
Former SAS_Capt_James - Webmaster, Map Maker, Live-Ops Creator
Well the way I'd handle it if I could. Would be to Blow the kitchen area to kingdom come, while they are distracted. Some snipers in choppers shoot out the windows taking the highest threats. Two fire teams drop in a few flashbangs and rappels in.One nabs the package, two secures the surrounding area. Once it's secured, get the heck out of there, drop claymores if possible and rope back out while two covers. Snipers cover Two as they rope out, or send in a third team to sneak as far as they can in, then switch to dynamic clearing to support / clear the others exfil as the attack starts.
Ok, so I read too much !