What are your typing habits?

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Last seen: 5 years 2 weeks ago
What are your typing habits?

What is everyones habital pattern of typing? Does any one here still do the 'hunt and peck' one or two fingered approuch ? heheheh

having often played games and being a freq. Text editor my left hand usually rests with my index finger between the D and F keys, usually my step-right and action keys. I can feel the bump on the F to tell the D and F keys apart so I know where my hands clustered. My middle finger usually rests on the W, next finger on the D and I let my pinky drape around left shift & control. with my Thumb just below the space bar. If I have my right hand on the board. I generually rest my right fingers thumb to pinky on the space bar, J, K, L, and ' keys.

I watch the screen and let my hands glide over the board,instintivly finding the keys. Left hand has the left most two thirds of the board and my right the right third of the 'main text' area. I'll avoid using the mouse, cursors, or ins/hme/pgu/pdel/end/pgd keys. I generally use Vim so I don't need any thing but standard keys with it and it's very effective. With a good text display I generally can type pretty quick if I am typing my mind or typing softcopy (reading off hard copy, writting on PC). I generally type in the 70 some words per minute range on typing tests without any real text editing in them (yuck). I doubt if it's a good speed but my typing speed is based on computer usage not typesest training.

Ten fingers on board, two eyes on screen is how I do it.

Last seen: 14 years 4 months ago

\"Virtue is its own reward.\"

Last seen: 17 years 8 months ago

I dont have to look at the keyboard...If i find one letter i know where the rest are...I type to much :roll:

Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago

I type with all my ten fingers and blind too.

Last seen: 5 years 2 weeks ago

I only spell in Vi

My worst thing is I some times have the start of one word at the end of another. 'Liket his' and some how reversed letters mixes like 'teh' is a magic error that is very easy to fix like so


That is enter command mode, move right one charactor and swap letters, then enter append mode. I only really bother to edit my typos when I use a real editor Smile

I don't really bother very much other wise, hence my typological-viliany. I've yet to find a way to pipe all my forum osts into Vim hehe.

Emacs druels while Vi rules Smile

Last seen: 9 years 3 months ago

I'll tell you this, the best way to get quick at typing is to do lots of programming. I can do about 100-120 words per min without looking. Using numbers and symbols at the same speed too (you use those a lot more when programming).

Former SAS_Capt_James - Webmaster, Map Maker, Live-Ops Creator

Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago

i have liquid cooling on my keyboard, a fire safety requirement im afraid

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)