Favoured Positions

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Last seen: 15 years 8 months ago
Favoured Positions

I was wondering, what is everyones favoured position within an element, whether it is SWAT 4, or RavenShield if you are given the choice where what role would you most like to perform within the element ?

For me, i like to operate as an Element Leader, probably because i got so much practice at it due to the fact no-one else ever wanted to be 8O Wink

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Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago

Thanks to the two [SAS] that I first saw play as an element, Random #1, Coop #2 (standing+covering). I was a awed noobie tag along who never had seen any thing like it before.

My favorite position in an element is the #2 man backing up #1 with cover. After watching those two I stoped crouching behind people and starting finding some one to tag along with to cover. I still practice at my #2 cover when I can Smile

In SWAT4 I am perfectly happy in any role, point to rear guard. As long as its a solid team game.

If I had to say, what role I need the most practice at I'd say RG because I have problems walking threw doors backwards without using a helmet cam or checking 75-90 degrees to my flank to 'eye' the wall. That and not bouncing Stingers back at us Blum 3

Last seen: 17 years 1 month ago

RG!!! Biggrin

Your 6 Is My 12 IMAGE(http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/4279/viperrvsqv4.th.jpg)

Last seen: 11 years 10 months ago

#2, second man maybe. Or pointman.

Btw, when I first saw this topic I was wondering what sort of positions it was all about :lol:.

Last seen: 3 years 2 months ago

Pointman for me Smile

Last seen: 14 years 5 months ago

Point and 2nd man defiantly, its where the action is. Wink

Last seen: 18 years 1 month ago

I like #2...though i dont play it alot... Wink

Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago

POINT!!! most intense position for me.

SAS_Random's picture
Last seen: 7 months 1 day ago

I like element leader in a good element. If the element is shaky, it's not much fun at all! I sometimes get bored (after ELing for like 100 rounds in a row). When that happens, I'll take any position. You can find something to do in each role.

Certainly you get to pull the trigger more if you are point or first cover. That can certainly have its appeal.


Lt. Col (Retired)

22nd [SAS] Elite Virtual Regiment



Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago

I love point and EL

"Godo godo!" Lazko and his typoes image size exceeded -- click to view

Last seen: 5 years 2 months ago

For me it's cover, and EL when there's some decent people to command.

Last seen: 9 years 8 months ago

I like all positions in RvS, they all rock.

Pointman you are constantly working out the best route, hugging the correct wall, taking the correct side of doors, asking for tac aids, and typically pointman takes out the most tangos.

Two is good because you have to be in the right place covering the right direction ALL the time so you can engage quickly when necessary to protect or assist the pointman. Being in the wrong position or covering the wrong direction for even a fraction of a second can be fatal.

EL is ok but possibly not as good as the other positions. You get to decide the overall plan and strategy, and manage the team as they carry it out, but it's not as fun as the other positions. If you do it correctly then it's just easier and less of a challenge than the other positions. Of course if you do it badly you'll have a much tougher job!

RG is great for the same reasons as #2, plus you know that in a map you'll be lucky if you get even one or two tangos, but you have to be 100% alert ready and waiting all the time. When you get a contact you have to respond extremely quickly and correctly so you can engage the threat, move to cover, and inform the team of the danger .. not necessarily in that order! It's a big responsability because you can save the enitre team from death.

So yeah, I don't have a favourite really.

Former SAS_Capt_James - Webmaster, Map Maker, Live-Ops Creator

Last seen: 14 years 9 months ago

My favourite position is Rear Guard. For the reason that you are much more free in movements than the rest of the team. Points leads and just have to worry about the front, 2nd is more or less pint to points tail, Element leader is freer than 2nd about movements, but he is still binded more to the front. But Rear guard is the freest person, concerning movements. Of course rear guard is supposed to be near the rest of the element though it's his responsibility to cover the rear most effective, meaning he can stack differently than the rest of the element. In addition as RG you always have to consider everything of your surroundings, not just the front or the flanks. In addition it's that "stand-by" that tempts me. You always have to be sure you cover right even if you feel pretty sure noone will fall in from the rear. This constant presure is what make RG most enjoyable for me.
Furthermore you get pretty fed up with being pointman after half of a year, always being point.

\"Virtue is its own reward.\"

Last seen: 11 years 8 months ago

Well there is no doubt that R1 is my favorite position in an element.
I like the adrenal rush ya know. Second favorite for me would be RG then R2 with EL being fourth. :roll: