Finally... An SAS-evening/afternoon on a passworded TG1, with several members and recruits planning and executing proper missions, with relevant level of violence, freeing hostages from their cruel oppressors...
I think we can say that SAS was deployed, and up to FOC standards...
Participants were SAS_Leon, SAS_Merge, SAS_Miles, SAS_Rasa, SAS_Rouge, SAS_Spidey and SAS_Valroe.
GGS, lads -- and the usual good comments...
Thats right train hard so you don't get drunk easy!
First round on me
Aye, cheers
Scrap my name from the records! I was never there...
:cry: I've been found out
howcom is it that almost all topics always ends up with the same subject.
Beeeer. hehe

Yeah great games back there.
... though I'm missing the human machine aka SAS_Leon on your list Rouge ...
\"Virtue is its own reward.\"
Not anylonger. :roll:
Sorry, Leon, I got so preoccupied with putting the names alphabetically, so I somehow managed to unintntionally delete you...
But now, it is complete.
And hey.. SAS_Miles is well again... :F
SAS_shameful slacker_Rouge
I wanted to get in there yesterday to watch propper manuvers but it was locked, and I didn't want to bother anyone
I think most of the time it was locked at troopers level and the rest of the time at recruit level.
Well good to know SAS is FOC as well! Btw Rouge, we also got the FOC status last excsersize, not only you intelligence black leathercoated bast***s!
Bah, bother away, as long as you have the password.