I Know I've Been Acting Weird Lately...

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Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago
I Know I've Been Acting Weird Lately...

I've been acting strange lately, and that's mostly because of these drugs the doctor gave me.
I was in a car accident earlier this week, yesterday evening. I don't want to go into details, but something bad happened, and I can help but blame myself. I wasn't the driver but it's complicated. Please don't post any condolences or nothing, it only makes it worse...

Only thing I've done lately is listen to music, trying to figure s*** out...

I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago


Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago

HEY SPIDEY, you're good with numbers! What do you get when you're travelling fifty miles an hour and go from 50 to 0 in 1 second and no seat belt!? Simple math really!

It's alright, you can answer, what happens to a human body when it is flung at 50 miles an hour?
If I sound upset it's because I am! And I'm not going into it, alright, it's just gonna piss me off more, so if you care to know, and I'm sure most of you don't, ask Tech Specialist because I could barely tell him. And no, don't anser that question because you know the answer.

I'll be on RvS tomorrow, maybe I can calm my nerves by blowing the sh** out of something.

??+S?? I don't know what that is, is it a smile, smirk? A mutated man who ate a rotten apple!?

I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.

Last seen: 18 years 5 days ago

I might make a suggestion to you:

If you're that stressed, go run or lift weights... (provided youre capable).

If you're stressed, head off to the shooting range and blow the s*** out of something in reality, preferably nonhuman...

And of course, there's always RvS and SWAT... hope to see you on here tomorrow Langley, best of luck to you for now...


Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago

I'm not suicidal or a massacist merge, I need to do something, anything. And I don't expect you to understand right now, or maybe you do, I don't know, and wouldn't be as arrogant to say whether or not you do or don't. I've had to sit around for the past two days and I haven't been able to attend school, work, or a firing range.
But, doctors orders is to "Say what you feel", but that is implicit, so I'll do the next thing.
I was in a car crash, into a telephone pole, long story short I was telling my eight year long best friend that he was going to die, and he was, I atleast owed him the truth. He called me a liar and all kinds of things before he died right there in front of me. Doctor gave me muscle relaxers to "Prevent long-term shellshock" or whatever technical jargen BS name he gave it. And it's all my fault because I basically forced him, begged him to come because he doesn't get out much. And now look, look at what happened, dead, and the last thing I could have done for him was tell him he was going to be alright, but now all I can do is go to his funeral and try to use proper grammer in this post.
And I was wrong about what the worst part is Tech, the worst part is that life goes on, just a brief silence and then poof, out of sight, out of mind. And I guess what's even worse is that all I got was a bad bruis on my arm...

And sorry about that Spidey, I'm just yelling to yell, getting pissed to be pissed, and you didn't know. Merge, thanks for the words but this is beyond stress, and I will try to be on RvS tomorrow. From now on I'll just bottle up my feelings and share them with the concrete.

I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.

Last seen: 14 years 4 months ago

Sad to hear Langley.

The best advice I can give is to try forgetting and only memorize the good times you had with this person on special occasions. I know it might sound a bit brutal but unfortunately death is a part of life and we all have to move on. Sad

Last seen: 12 years 10 months ago

Well Langly... I have absolutely no advice, no neat words to help you through this pain... My thoughts are with you and I hope your suffering and torment are minimal.

Releasing that which is beyond your control, is liberating.

[color=yellow][SAS] 22nd E.V.R. - SAS_VET_EN4CER /[color] Virtus Disciplina Unitas

Last seen: 9 years 7 months ago

That sounds like a proper tragedy. Keep your friends and family close, talk about your problems with someone you know well, and remember that in time you will feel better.

It's good to talk these things through with someone you know well.

Former SAS_Capt_James - Webmaster, Map Maker, Live-Ops Creator

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago

I'm very sorry about your friend Langley, while I can't hazard the specifics I doubt there is any thing you could have done to help him.

I've seen a friend die, you don't forget them or their face but you can remember the good times together. I knew my friend for at least a decade, the best thing I can say about watching him die was I could say good bye before his heart gave out. There was nothing left to do but be there to keep him company, praying and waiting for his pain to end. Really, it's probably James to thank that I came under control after that even if he doesn't know what I mean.

One can always hope for the best but some times the truth is all there is, when your going to die. If its time to go its to go home and thats it. We might not always want to believe it but thats how it is. I don't think your friend ment any of it, so I'd try to take it easy. We often say things we don't mean when we are hurt or don't want to here the truth. I'll pray for you both, you know my details if you ever want to chat or vent.

Keep family and friends close, know when you need to be alone and know when you need to talk. Pain hurts like hell but it can't rule our lives.

And actually I'm some what used to being a scratching post any way ^_^

Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago

It's nice to get away from the troubles in life. GG's fellas. I'm gonna have to sort this out alone though, everybody else says the same thing anymore. I found some inspirational words in the most unlikely place though. "It's not about how hard you can hit, you'll never be able to hit as hard as Life. What matters is how hard a hit you can take, and keep on moving forward, and keep on standing."
And maybe you're right Spidey, maybe there was nothing I could do...
Rouge, good talk, explains a lot though, I will try to have this "Patience" you speak of, and keep a look out. I hope my situation can change though, and maybe move up in the status quo a bit. And like I hope is true, all things will turn out okay.

I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.

Last seen: 14 years 5 months ago

in the words of my DS, "you'll be alright, cause I'll be okay."

one translation bad things and good thigns happen all you can do is accept them and move on otherwise your just standing still and htat will get you no where, but I dont think that really applies to you, all that matters is htat you learned something form every experience in life

"Game over man." Pvt. Hudson. SAS 22nd E.V.R.

Last seen: 2 months 1 day ago

act as weird as you like, i know i did.
If you want an interesting chat..u know my details

Lt_Col WIZ,  VC, MiD (Ret)