Shaking the Rust Off

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Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago
Shaking the Rust Off

Nothing like shooting at terrorists to blow off steam...Nothing like killing terrorists to make your day all good. Got to play RvS today, nice, doe, not to many people showed up till after I joined with Spidey. Doe, I dont know how long he was waiting there, but the crowd filed in, concidentally while Merge was trying to give a briefing. I had to listen to Stairway four times until the level started.
BUT, anywho, what do you do to shake the rust off for a game, I, personally, play curveball and don't stop till I reach level ten.

....TAKE ME OUT!!!

I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago

Was some GGs to day, I havn't had a decent game of RvS in a long time. Curse yee S4:TSS !!

Generally when I'm rusty at a game I'll train & practice at it. Some times I'll limit my self on equippment like I'll take only bangs and no gas or frag. Some times I'll practice with weapons I don't use a lot or am not very good with since my post trooper days. If I just can't take the game any more. I'll usually go surf the Wikipedia, nock over a few forums, or find some source code to toy with.

I'm also getting a love for the M4A1 Carbine with and without a scope.

Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago

Dude, I've been using the M4 as an every-position choice for the last year. It's loud, accurate, and has a very high bounce-back rating (meaning the aim reticle closes in quickly). It can be silenced, penetrate doors, crates, and my favorite, people. It's my favorite weapon other than the MP5A10
As an alternative I may use the Type 94, as it has the same specs as the M4, doe, this may be different in real life I'm sure.

I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.

Last seen: 5 years 3 weeks ago

The type 94 is actually a better weapon. It has become my load weapon of choice for all positions. Same stats as the M4, but different on one thing: the recoil is MUCH less loud.

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago

The M4 is a fine weapon in RvS but I've traditionally had problems using it on full-auto with accuracy and thats my primary shooting habit. The more practice I have with it the more I find I like it and I can put on a scope for maps like MP-Peaks.

Tap, Tap, He dead yet? Oh no ok - tap, tap, tap, tap Ok he's dead or I'm chucking the gun at him Smile

MP5/10A2 no attachments is one of my training weapons on Double-Tap training:-)

Last seen: 17 years 11 months ago

I dont look at double taps as so much of a "tap-tap, he dead yet?" kind of thing...

It's just firing in pairs, you squeeze the trigger twice rapidly in order to drop both rounds on (ideally) the same spot. Tests show that recoil begins seriously affect accuracy as the third round leaves the barrel on automatic fire, and so the idea is for the shooter to get the 2 rounds out of the barrel before the recoil can really hit him. This increases accuracy quite a lot, and trained shooters can usually drop both rounds on a spot about the size of a quarter.

The technique is also used to defeat armor, since two round placed very close together will increase the chances of the armor failing...

Maybe that clears up some stuff on the double-tap technique, personally I prefer it in game as I feel it gives me more control, and its almost a reflex action.


Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago

I dont look at double taps as so much of a "tap-tap, he dead yet?" kind of thing...

Tisk tisk Merge you have no sense of humor Blum 3

I fire in double taps as much as possible, often letting two shots out per mouse click followed by two more rounds in a follow up strike.

It doesn't matter if it's 2 rounds or 16 rounds per kill to me, I'm going to keep engaging till I can configrm that the tango is no longer a threat. If I got two tangos, I fire a burst into one, shoot his mate, cycle back to the first with a second burst if he's still alive then cycle back to the second tango till I'm out of ammo or out of tangos. After 4-10 rounds per tango fired 2-3 at a time, and ubi-magically no one is dead yet I'd hope my #2 has ammo left Smile

Thats more or less what I was trying to laugh at as I have seen it happen often enough that I will fire a burst of double taps (as oppossed to a spray) at a tango to insure they are KiA rather then be killed because of latency and game bugs.

Last seen: 5 years 3 weeks ago

I started playing on single shot in SWAT some weeks ago, and I must say it helps me alot with controlling the amount of violence applied.

Also, it's invaluable for those HRs

Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago

Um, I don't do much double tapping at all, just a single tap to the head usually works...usually. For a moving target I pop till they drop. Oh yeah, little trivia, whats the fastest weapon in the modern world?

I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.

Last seen: 17 years 11 months ago

I sure do love me some trivia...

But a little clarification... are we talking muzzle velocity? Or cyclic rate?

Or worse yet... is it a trick question?


Last seen: 11 years 8 months ago

Oh yeah, little trivia, whats the fastest weapon in the modern world?

HK MG3 or Steyr TMP 8).

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago

I dunno about the muzzle volicety but I think one of those M134 Miniguns might have any thing beat for Cyclic rate of fire at like 100 Rounds per second, not that they usually fire them that fast as far as I know >_<

I've always wondered how close some games are to actual rates of fire on 3-Round Burst & Full Auto but I doubt if I'll ever find out first hand. I don't think you can get a H&K MP5 with more then Semi-Auto when your a Civilian.

Last seen: 17 years 11 months ago

I dunno about the muzzle volicety but I think one of those M134 Miniguns might have any thing beat for Cyclic rate of fire at like 100 Rounds per second, not that they usually fire them that fast as far as I know >_<

I've always wondered how close some games are to actual rates of fire on 3-Round Burst & Full Auto but I doubt if I'll ever find out first hand. I don't think you can get a H&K MP5 with more then Semi-Auto when your a Civilian.

You can... but it's cheaper to buy a used lexus than to get the permission, the federal stamp, and the weapon itself...

I think it's a Class III Restricted Weapons liscence, but im not 100% sure.

If we're talking conventional firearms, then I think I have to give the cyclic rate to the General Electric M134, like spidey pointed out. If you're talking an effective man-portable weapon, then I have to give that to the absolute-piece-of-crap-in-every-department FAMAS (but cyclic rate notwithstanding, the French can't make weapons worth crap: they make guns worse than Americans make cars).

If you go with muzzle velocity, well that doesn't depend on the gun so much as the ammunition- so I'd say a Winchester 270 round would be pretty smokin.... runs you just shy of 3000 feet per second.

A question for you Langley (and everyone else):

I fire ultra-high caliber depleted uranium and incendiary rounds at hypersonic speeds. I have a recoil force of 45 kilo-newtons (10000 lb/ft). I have 7 barrels.... what am I? (Hint: It obviously is not man-portable)


Last seen: 11 years 8 months ago

You are a 3 meter long gatling gun which fires 30mm rounds and weigh 280 kilos. The GAU-8 Avenger.
Man that gun is lethal!

Last seen: 17 years 11 months ago

Leon's the man Dirol

The GAU/8 Avenger Rotary Gatling gun.... the largest aircraft-mounted weapon in the world. Capable of sustained fire around 3200 rpm, the Avenger must be fired in short 1 or 2 second bursts in order to conserve ammunition and to keep the plane traveling forward at a sustained speed. While the recoil of the gun is nowhere near enough to stall the two engines at the rear, it will act as a strong airbrake if fired for too long. The weapon can lay down +80% of its round in a circle 30 feet in diameter from a distance of 1 statue mile- all while flying forward at a brisk 450 miles per hour.... Now that's a gun 8O

EDIT: Found a video of my baby here...


Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago

It's one thing to throw out numbers, it's another thing to shoot the damn thing. Biggest gun I've ever fired was an M134 Machine gun, commonly termed the Mini Gun. Got to go on a UH-60 training flight, love to see those old junkers catch fire. It's funny though, you can barely feel the thing recoil. Kinda ironic really. The weapon system is impeccable, it's practically failproof. And after launching a few thousand rounds downrange, no weapon has seemed exciting...

I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.

Last seen: 17 years 11 months ago

Sadly all i will get to do is throw numbers around when it comes to the Avenger...

I think the Air Force would frown on my renting it from them... Dirol
I've got some phone calls to make :idea:


Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago

I didn't mean anything negative by that post, so don't get the wrong idea. I'm just saying it's some fun stuff to ignite junker vehicles with weapons of small mass destruction.
BTW Merge, that name you gave in that other post sounds familiar. I think I may know if from somewher...I'll let you know.

I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.

Last seen: 14 years 11 months ago

I've always wondered how close some games are to actual rates of fire on 3-Round Burst & Full Auto but I doubt if I'll ever find out first hand. I don't think you can get a H&K MP5 with more then Semi-Auto when your a Civilian.

The rate of fire is the same, at least on single rounds... Biggrin

But the reloading speed on the RvS MP5 is waaaaay too slow, compared to real life. I can do it much quicker in RL! Blum 3


Last seen: 16 years 7 months ago

You gotta keep in mind that they have to put the magazine back into it's respectable pouch and draw another one out, jam it in, cock the sum b****, and start firing. Not to mention the speed handicap if you're wearing heavy armor, I've never seen heavy clothes keep me from reaching a pocket...

And btw Merge, I didnt mean anything by not telling you what about last night. I shouldn't get on some topics, just, believe me on that, ya know. There are some things I just shouldn't repeat out loud on the Internet.

I cannot fathom that the Lord has blessed us with logic and rationality and have us forgo their use.

Last seen: 5 years 3 months ago

I guess you've never worn a snow suit like the one Randy has in A Christmas Story. Hehehe so many layers on the "slug" defense is in the zone.